6/28 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

celebrate pearlington 2015

TLCC Worship – Led by Cyle Cundiff and the Praise Team while Brian is on Sabbatical

June 21 –27  Bible Readings: 

June 28 – July 4 Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:    Allen Todd will be preaching on the need for us to learn, commit to and teach others a Biblical worldview.  They will also have a youth mission trip report

Title:  Allen Todd preaching

Online Resources:

6/21 Prepare Your Heart for Worship

Happy Father's Day -to two men that have inspired me... my father (Ralph Delp) and the father of my granddaughter Ruby (Adam Barkey). img_1484 20150106_144344 (2)

TLCC Worship – Led by Cyle Cundiff and the Praise Team while Brian is on Sabbatical

June 14 – 20 Bible Readings: 

June 21 –27  Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:    Allen Messimer will spend a few minutes sharing some of the exciting ministry opportunities God has been opening up over the last couple of years, the English clubs in schools and the English video listening series. We have a 4 minute video that goes along with this.  Then transition to our purpose of making disciples who in turn make disciples.  I will go into what it means to be a disciple, one who follows God's commands.  Sometimes it is easy to nurture our own personal relationship with God. We enjoy reading the Bible, we enjoy worship, we enjoy meeting with other Christians. But when he tells us to go and make disciples, do we even know what that means? And are we brave enough to actually do it, to actually obey?

Title:  Allen Messimer, missionary to Taiwan is preaching

Texts: Luke 5:1-11, 1 John 5:2-4, Luke 9:57-62

Online Resources:

6/14 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

SummerVacationOption2 TLCC Worship – Led by Cyle Cundiff and the Praise Team while Brian is on Sabbatical

June 7 – 13  Bible Readings: 

June 14 - 20 Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:   It's one thing to seek forgiveness as in, having the consequences of our sin removed, but something totally different to be "thoroughly washed from your iniquity and to be cleansed from your sin.  One focuses on your pain, the other focuses on God's love and justice.  One is willing to break the rules to get what they want, the other is willing to have a broken heart to accomplish what God wants.  The former ends in fear and loss, the later ends being a witness to others of God's goodness. The former ends convicted of their error, the latter ends living with convictions, to remain close to God and win others to Him!

Ice Breaker: Describe a time you felt like you were “double minded.”

Title:  Celebrate Summer Vacation 3 of 3 – “Being Convicted vs. Having Convictions”

Texts: Phil. 3:8-16; Saul –1 Sam. 28; David- 2 Sam. 11; Ps. 51

Questions to Consider:

  1. What did Paul want to forget? to remember? hold on to? press on toward?
  2. Why did Saul kick out the mediums and then go to one to find out what would happen in his battle with the Philistines?
  3. What was David doing instead of going to battle in the spring like most kings did?
  4. Was David more concerned about his sin or about God's reaction to his sin?

Online Resources:

6/7 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

SummerVacationOption2 TLCC Worship – Here are this week’s songs, and as always, they are on the Spotify playlist.

May 31 -June 6 Bible Readings: 

June 7 - 13  Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:   Notice the dispositions of Saul and David in their battles, including them both in the battle with Goliath. There are similarities in the way people fight their outward battles and their inward battles; confidence vs. confusion, faith vs. fear, innovation vs. tradition. Everyone has battles; it's those fought, lost and won at the Cross of Christ that are successful, forgiven and counted victorious in God's eyes. Excuses are useless, vanity is poisonous, fear is a lack of faith and paralyzing!

Ice Breaker: Describe a time you felt like you were "double minded."

Title:  Celebrate Summer Vacation 2 of 3 – “Battles Within & Without”

Texts: James 1:5-8; Saul -1 Sam. 15; David- 1 Sam. 17

Questions to Consider:

  1. What do we know about the Amalekites and especially about Agag? Exodus 17:8-16; 1 Samuel 15;  Esther 3:1
  2. What decisions did Saul make when he was battling (and celebrating his victory over) the Amalekites that showed his inner passion? 1 Samuel 15
  3. What was it about the Amalekites that made God pronounce such an extreme judgement against of of their people? 1 Sam. 15:2-3;  Deut. 25:17-19
  4. What decisions did David make when he was fighting (and celebrating his victory over) Goliath that showed his inner passion? 1 Sam. 17
  5. What decisions have you made while "fighting battles" in your life that have showed your inner passion?

Online Resources:

5/31 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

SummerVacationOption2 TLCC Worship – Here are this week’s songs, and as always, they are on the Spotify playlist.

May 14 -30 Bible Readings: 

May 31 -June 6 Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:   Saul was impressive - David was overlooked.  Saul was hiding in the luggage, David was tending the sheep! Everybody goes places and does things, but only those that take God with them everywhere they go end up effective and successful in their Christian walk.

Ice Breaker: Do you remember the old "most likely to..." in your high school year book?  How did that work out?  Were there any significant surprises that might be appropriate to share? :-)

Title:  Celebrate Summer Vacation 1 of 3 - "Going Places!"

Texts:  1 Samuel 9 & 10; 1 Samuel 16

Questions to Consider:

  1. Where was Saul going and what was he doing when he found out he had been chosen by God to be Israel's "prince"?
  2. What "signs" did Samuel describe to Saul that he truly would be anointed the leader of Israel?
  3. Where did they find Saul when Samuel had come to anoint him King?
  4. Where was David and what was he doing when Samuel came to anoint him King?
  5. What are some specific priorities you have set for your family this summer?  Do your priorities include God?  Or would He be better consider an after thought in your plans?

Online Resources:

5/17 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

celebrate TLCC Worship – Here are this week’s songs, and as always, they are on the Spotify playlist.

    • All Hail the Power
    • King of Heaven
    • Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King
    • Here for You
    • Breathe
    • Give Us Clean Hands

May 10 – 18  Bible Readings: 

May 19 -23 Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:   If the “Passover” was finding peace through Jesus, the feast of “First Fruits” was finding new life through Jesus, then “Pentecost” was finding power through an “empowered” life with the Holy Spirit.  The giving of the Law to the Israelite's empowered them to live a holy life, but in reality, because of the weakness of their flesh, it actually only prepared them to receive grace which helped them to do what the Law could not.

Ice Breaker: Describe something you really... REALLY wanted to get accomplished but couldn't because you didn't have the strength/resources/power.

Title:  “Celebrate Shavuot/Pentecost ”

Texts:  Ex. 33:13; Ps. 119:27; 25:4; Acts 6:1-8; Exodus 19:1-20; Acts 2:1-8; Heb. 12:18-24; Jeremiah 31:31-33; Galatians 5:22-24

Questions to Consider:

  1. What does the fire in these passage appear to indicate?  What does the fire tend to cause?
  2. What is the desire of Moses?  The desire of the disciples?
  3. What is the desire of the Psalmists?
  4. What is your desire in reference to God?
  5. What did Jesus say the disciples would become?
  6. What are indicators that the Holy Spirit is "empowering" our lives?
  7. How did those on Pentecost day deal with their feeling of being lost? Acts 2:36, 38, 42, 46  

Online Resources:

5/10 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

TLCC Worship – Here are this week’s songs, and as always, they are on the Spotify playlist.

  • God is Good All the Time
  • Power in the Blood
  • Desert Song
  • My Hope is In You
  • At the Cross

May 3-9 Bible Readings: 

May 10 - 18  Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:  From Esther’s “for such a time as this”, to Deborah’s prophecy, “the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.” – GOD CELEBRATES WOMEN.  From the working mother of Proverbs 31, to Lydia the seller of Purple in Acts 16. - – GOD CELEBRATES WOMEN.  From Hannah the mother of Samuel to Ruth the daughter-in-law of Naomi - – GOD CELEBRATES WOMEN. From Rahab the Prostitute turned self-sacrificing spy to Bathsheba the adulterous wife of King David and mother of Solomon - GOD CELEBRATES WOMEN.  Whether single, married, widowed, rich or poor, sick or healthy - God has made it clear – HE CELEBRATES WOMEN!

Ice Breaker: What woman do you know that seems to have the most healthy view of herself in the eyes of God.

Title:  “Celebrate Women”

Texts: Gal. 3:28; 1 Tim. 2:8-15; Eph. 5:25; Gen. 3:16

Online Resources:

5/3 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

TLCC Worship – Here are this week’s songs, and as always, they are on the Spotify playlist.

  • These Are the Names of God (Tommy Walker)
  • The Solid Rock (modern Hymn)
  • Always (Shane & Shane)
  • Be Thou My Vision (Ascend the Hill)
  • None But Jesus (Hillsong)
  • King of Glory (Chris Tomlin)

April 26- May 2 Bible Readings: 

May 3-9 Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:  “We live in a world that is driven by SELFishness. Making up our minds to be less selfish only makes things worse. Learning to trust God at the core of our being gives us room to think less about ourselves and more about others.  Satan very subtlety works to keep us fixated on ourselves.  Assuming we have because of us and for the purpose of us keeps us feeling entitled rather than grateful.  When we think and feel with the rhythm of gratitude and trust - we will find ourselves living with generosity.

Ice Breaker:  Describe a person conceptually (no name) that you are confident struggles with covetousness.  Describe a time you struggled with covetousness. (Which was easier to come up with?)

Title:  “God wants you Generous, Satan wants you Selfish”

Texts: Lk. 12:1-7; 13-21, 22-34Pr. 11:24; 13:22; 19:17; 28:27;

Stewardship Principles:

  •  Principle #5 – God wants us to have generous hands and a grateful heart. Satan suggests we get all we can and have a grudging heart.
  • Principle #23 – We are to love God and use money to glorify Him. Satan suggests we love money and use God to get it.

Online Resources:

4/26 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

TLCC Worship – Here are this week’s songs, and as always, they are on the Spotify playlist.

    • Glorified
    • Sing Sing Sing
    • Holy Holy Holy (God With Us)
    • Christ is Enough
    • My Worth is Not in What I Own
    • The Greatness of Our God

April 19-25 Bible Readings: 

April 26- May 2 Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:  “The culture of consumption vs. a culture of appreciation looks like this: unsettled vs. content; wanting more vs. thankful for what we have; looking for meaning outside vs. looking for meaning from internal resources; restless vs. at peace; focused on quantity vs. focused on quality”—Richard Foster

Ice Breaker:  How has your standard of living changed over the past 10 years?  How do you expect it to change over the next 10 years?

  •  Principle #8 - God wants us to be content with what we have. Satan wants us to envy what others have.
  • Principle #13 - God wants us to focus on having a good “home” (family) . Satan wants us to focus on having a better house.

Title:  "God wants you Content, Satan wants you Needing More"

Texts: Mk. 10:17-27Lk. 16:13; Eccl. 5:10;  Heb. 13:5,6Rom. 7:18-25;  8:5-61 Tim. 6:6-10Ps. 73:2-28

Stewardship Principles:

  • Principle #5 We are to love God and use money to glorify Him. Satan suggests we love money and use God to get it.
  • Principle #23 God wants us to have generous hands and a grateful heart. Satan suggests we get all we can and have a grudging heart.

Some Questions to Consider:

  1. How is the rich man described as he left Jesus? Mk. 10:22
  2. Who wrote Ecc. 5:10?
  3. How would a person loving God look different from someone loving money? Lk. 16:13;
  4. What makes it possible for a person to decide to be content with  what they have? Heb. 13:5,6
  5. How would a person living according to the spirit look different from a person living according to the flesh? Rom. 8:5-6
  6. When did the Psalm writer gain a deeper understanding of how to deal with the perception that the wicked seem to become wealthy and remain healthy? Ps. 73: 17

Online Resources:

4/19 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

MoneyMatters (1) TLCC Worship - Here are this week’s songs, and as always, they are on the Spotify playlist.

    • Glorified
    • Sing Sing Sing
    • Holy Holy Holy (God With Us)
    • Christ is Enough
    • My Worth is Not in What I Own
    • The Greatness of Our God

April 12-18 Bible Readings: 

April 19-25 Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:  Western intellectualism and industrialization have created a culture of unprecedented productivity along with unbridled consumerism.  We have fooled ourselves into thinking that learning more and doing more will create a better community. God designed early on a plan for balance, both focused work and grateful/worshipful rest. Even Jesus found renewal in purpose from withdraw and prayer. Unless God builds a home, or a church, or a nation, the laborers work in vain.

Ice Breaker:  Have you ever focused on "a tree" and lost awareness of "the forest"?  What resulted? What helped you to understand your lack of awareness?

Title:  “God wants you Focused, Satan wants you Busy”

Texts: Mark 1:32-39Ps. 127; Pr. 10:4; 10:5; 26:13-16; 13:4; 2 Thess. 3:10-13;

Stewardship Principles:

  • Principle #30 - God wants us to have times of rest and renewal. Satan wants us to be workaholics.
  • Principle #28 - God wants us to be diligent workers. Satan wants us to be lazy sluggards.

Some Questions to Consider:

  1. In the Scriptures above what all is attributed to helping one succeed?
  2. What all is mentioned as a potential cause for failure?
  3. How would you define success based on Ps. 127?
  4. How would Jesus define failure based on Mark 1:32-39?

Online Resources:

Into every life a little rain must fall…

rain cloud hondaI just came across this "CONNECTIONS" article from July of '14 and thought it worth posting.  I still don't have the Honda running (time/time/time) but the lessons it has taught me continue to call me. The cloud behind me ended my Sabbatical ride.  The day before I had ridden 15 hours to reach my third church. 15 minutes after this picture was taken I was pushing my Honda just 20 more feet to wait 6 hours beneath an overpass hoping in vain it would dry out and start. Nope, Andrew Samp, a friend of his in Ames Iowa and Kristi bailed me out of this failed trip! God and I had a very unique worship service humming “Showers of Blessings” and listening to Mercy Me’s “Bring the Rain” on Pandora radio.  Honestly, I felt fortunate to have escaped more severe consequences from the blinding nature of the rain. This past spring has been one significant change of plans after another.  It’s been the same for many of you too!  Some of the changes have been good, but many of them have been unpleasant or even tragic. Diagnosis, economic challenges, personal crisis…  All of them demanding our adjustment, some of them growing pains, some of them changing our lives forever.  As was recently announced we will be changing our worship times in effort to make more desperately needed room in our 10:45am service. We certainly need your prayers and help with that one.  Growing is good! Changing our habits, not so easy.  We started the process of adding more parking this week.  We feel confident we can add 25 parking places, but we really need 50.  Unless more money is designated for such a project we’ll just add what we can afford. Remember our Bylaws surprise?  That has been a long drawn out process that is proving to be quite the challenge. Between changes in the Missouri Securities laws, national economic woes lowering our property value, and our bond brokerage company being sold it looks like it will be counter productive to refinance our bond program.  While no money has been wasted, and some healthy things have resulted, a lot of time and prayerful anticipation has resulted in, “Nope, not necessary, not happening.”  Many things for my Sabbatical changed against my wishes.  The key topic I wanted to read and pray about was “entitlement,” the attitude of thinking I am owed something.  Ha! God has certainly allowed a lot of rain to fall on some of our rides.  My best advice is to remain flexible, pray for each other and  “Watch for the rainbows!”


4/12 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

MoneyMatters (1) TLCC WorshipThis coming Sunday, we're looking forward to being led in worship by the traveling worship team from Central Christian College of the Bible: ALL THE EARTH!  

Here are this week's songs, and as always, they are on the Spotify playlist.

  • The Lord our God
  • Overwhelmed
  • Scandal of Grace
  • My Worth is Not in What I Own (series theme for "Money Matters")
  • Great Are You Lord
  • Jesus Paid it All / Nothing But the Blood

April 12-18 Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:  We are all sinners... some are saved by grace. Among the best evidences of grace in our life is when we manage money instead of the money managing us. Another good test is how we handle hard times. The acid test is defining to whom we listen.  Our Redeemer? or the deceiver?

Ice Breaker:  How can you tell if someone has your attention, or if they have your heart?  What does that difference look like in everyday life?

Title:  “God wants your Heart, Satan wants your Attention”

Texts: John 10:10; Matt. 6:19-211 Tim. 6:17; Rom. 8:35Ps. 37:18-19; 33:18-19; Rev. 3:17-18

Stewardship Principles:

  • Principle #7 - Hard times teach us to trust in God to provide for our needs. Satan wants us to fear losing things and worry about hard times. Ps. 37:18-19; 33:18-19; Rom. 8:35
  • Principle #15 - God wants you to put your hope in Him. Satan wants us to put our hope in money.  1 Tim. 6:17; Rev. 3:17-18

Some Questions to Consider:

  1. What is the difference between someone having your attention as oppose to someone having your heart?
  2. Does the treasure follow the heart or the heart follow the treasure? Matt. 6:19-21
  3. How did Paul caution the "rich" in this world? 1 Tim. 6:17  Why do you think Paul felt he needed to warn Timothy to warn Christians of this?  Isn't this obvious?
  4. Does the Bible say that Christians won't have hard times? Rom. 8:35 If not what does the Bible say about hard times?
  5. How can the Psalmist say these things? Ps. 37:18-19; 33:18-19  Are these promises, or poetic observations?
  6. Is it possible to be rich and not realize all of it's dangerous consequences? Rev. 3:17-18  Are you?  Do you?

Online Resources:

4/5 Preparing Your Heart for Sunday Worship

Alive Graphic TLCC Worship playlist.

April 5-11 Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:   The Feast of Firstfruits was a 1500 year old festival that pointed to Jesus' resurrection and God's resolve to do a new thing in our lives.  Our focus can keep us stuck never seeing the new thing He wants to do in us!

Ice Breaker:  How might it look if someone gets more caught up with trinkets an traditions?

Title:  “He's ALIVE!”

Texts:  Lev.  23:9-12Matt. 28:1-15; Eph. 2:4-6

Some Questions to Consider:

  1. How was Jesus a type of "firstfruits"?
  2. Why do you think Matthew included the story about the lies told by the Jewish leaders regarding Jesus body?
  3. Did the religious leaders have "trinkets and traditions" that might have helped them believe in Jesus?
  4. How might you focus less on trinkets and traditions and more on your relationship with and commitment to Jesus Christ?
  5. How is happiness different than Joy?

Online Resources:

3/22 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

Alive Graphic March 15-21 Bible Readings: 

March 22 - 28 Bible Readings:

In a Nutshell:   God wants us to comprehend and commit to two related but very different concepts.  Our debt of sin can only be paid for, washed away, removed by the blood of Jesus. (period)  But we must also acknowledge that we can only be cleansed by His blood if we take responsibility for that sin.  (Not fix it, but acknowledge it's there and come to hate it) Just as there is no forgiveness without Jesus blood, there is no rebirth without repentance.  The Passover is a celebration (illustration/symbol) of these two realities.

Ice Breaker:  Have you ever had to give up something you really REALLY liked in order to receive something you needed more? How did that play out in your life?

Title:  “The Passover”

Texts:  Hebrews 12:1,2;  Exodus 12:1-14; 43-48Leviticus 23:4-8Numbers 28:16-25Deuteronomy 16:1-8Psalm 113 - 118Zechariah 9:9

John 12:1 Mark 15:25,33-34 Isaiah 53:3-7 John 19:31-37 Mark 14:26 Psalm 118

Some Questions to Consider:

  1. How can "throwing off weight and sin" help us to focus our eyes on Jesus?
  2. When was the Passover lamb to be selected (Ex. 12:1-3) and why? When was the Passover lamb to be sacrificed? (Ex. 12:5-6)
  3. When did Jesus enter Jerusalem (one day after entering Bethany according  John 12:1-13) and what did he do the four days before his crucifixion? (Mt. 21:23-27 & Mt. 23)
  4. How did Pilate fulfill Ex. 12:5?  (Jn. 19:4)
  5. When did Mark say Jesus was crucified and then died? (Mk. 15:25, 33-37)
  6. How about "the Lambs" bones, what happened? (Jn. 19:31-37)
  7. How old and prevalent was the picture of Jesus, the Messiah as "the Lamb of God" taking away our sins? (Is. 53, Jn. 1:36)
  8. What are some of the sins that keep "bothering" you?  Have you chosen to just quit fighting them thinking they are not that big of a problem?
  9. How would taking a perfect,  1 year old lamb, killing it and eating it together as a family help you discuss how sin costs more than we can pay and must be taken seriously?

Online Resources:

  • This week’s CARE Sheet:CARE Sheet 3-4-15
  • An outline of the relationship between the Passover Lamb and Jesus' crucifixion
  • A list of over 600 sins and their Scripture reference
  • What is Hyssop in the Bible?
  • Last week’s service,  3/15/15
3/15 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

ChristianPrinciples (1) TLCC Worship playlist.

Songs for March 15, 2015
  • Standing on the Promises
  • He is Exalted
  • To God Be the Glory
  • Great Are You Lord
  • Never Once
  • We Are Hungry
  • Every Praise

March 8-14 Bible Readings: 

March 15-21 Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:   There are abilities and talents that God has built inside of you uniquely tuned by the Holy Spirit to bring glory to God as well as giving hope and support to those around us. A renewed sense of peace and purpose is awakened when we yield with gratitude to the Holy Spirit's work in our life. One way of describing this process is "abiding in Him."

Ice Breaker:  What is the extent of your understanding and experience with "pruning" plants?

Title:  “Spiritual Gifts”

Texts:  John 15:1-8; 1 Pet. 4:7-11; Eph. 4:11-16; 1 Cor. 3:6-9

Some Questions to Consider:

  1. In the allegory of the Vine & the Branches who are the “vine dresser”, the vine, the branches?
  2. What two types of branches does the vine dresser cut off? What is the requirement of bearing fruit?
  3. What is the ultimate purpose for bearing fruit? John 15: 8; 1 Pet. 4:11
  4. If God were going to “prune” something out of your life in order to grow your influence in bigger, what would he prune?

Online Resources:
