4/19 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship
TLCC Worship - Here are this week’s songs, and as always, they are on the Spotify playlist.
- Glorified
- Sing Sing Sing
- Holy Holy Holy (God With Us)
- Christ is Enough
- My Worth is Not in What I Own
- The Greatness of Our God
April 12-18 Bible Readings:
April 19-25 Bible Readings:
In a Nutshell: Western intellectualism and industrialization have created a culture of unprecedented productivity along with unbridled consumerism. We have fooled ourselves into thinking that learning more and doing more will create a better community. God designed early on a plan for balance, both focused work and grateful/worshipful rest. Even Jesus found renewal in purpose from withdraw and prayer. Unless God builds a home, or a church, or a nation, the laborers work in vain.
Ice Breaker: Have you ever focused on "a tree" and lost awareness of "the forest"? What resulted? What helped you to understand your lack of awareness?
Title: “God wants you Focused, Satan wants you Busy”
Texts: Mark 1:32-39; Ps. 127; Pr. 10:4; 10:5; 26:13-16; 13:4; 2 Thess. 3:10-13;
Stewardship Principles:
- Principle #30 - God wants us to have times of rest and renewal. Satan wants us to be workaholics.
- Principle #28 - God wants us to be diligent workers. Satan wants us to be lazy sluggards.
Some Questions to Consider:
- In the Scriptures above what all is attributed to helping one succeed?
- What all is mentioned as a potential cause for failure?
- How would you define success based on Ps. 127?
- How would Jesus define failure based on Mark 1:32-39?
Online Resources:
- Apollos Robins video - "Pay Attention"
- What is a Christian Work Ethic?
- Over-scheduled Kids
- Underachievement
- Why being too busy makes us feel so good.
- The Tyranny of the Urgent
- Toxic Charity: How churches hurt those they are trying to help and how to reverse it.