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10/17 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship


Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Jan. 18 – Jan. 24   Matthew 11-12

  • Where’s your space to read?
  • What’s your time to study?
  • What are the key words?
  • What was God saying to them?  What’s God saying to you?
  • What’s the Holy Spirit going to show throughout the day?
  • For what are you grateful?
  • For what are you concerned?
  • Who needs you today?

Title: “Mosaic – Will Your Foundation Hold Up?”

Texts:   Mt. 7:24-29; 1 Cor. 15:3-4; 1 Pe. 3:8-17; He. 5:11-6:2

IN A NUTSHELL  From first thoughts organized and prioritized to a person’s “final words” we can identify what some people see as being MOST important. Jesus told us to be careful about the principles we build our lives on.  Basically listen carefully to Him and act upon what we hear.  Paul challenges skeptical shallow thinking Christians to the most critical historical event known to man.  Can’t argue there!  Peter challenges us to evaluate our faith on the basis of how we respond to suffering and skeptical people.  When foundations are solid everything else above it retains or builds it’s value!

ICE BREAKER   Have you made any New Year’s resolutions?


  1. What are the consequences of living life without listing your priorities and defining most important principles to live by?
  2. Have you ever study any other worldviews that don’t rest on something historical like the death and resurrection of Jesus?
  3. If you were to rewrite 1 Pet. 3:8-17 tailored to your life, then how would it read?


Based upon the reverse side of the CARE Sheet “2016 Personal Evaluation” how’s your foundation?1316MosaicCAREsheet


Confidence in a world view…

  • give us structures to help us determine questions and answers
  • gives us emotional security
  • validates our cultural norms
  • helps us integrate our culture.
  • helps us monitor cultural change
  • provide psychological reassurance leading  us (hopefully) to “world peace”


  1. Look into Jesus’ eyes… what do you see when He looks at you?


 Online Resources:

  1. What is a Worldview by Focus on the Family
  2. What makes Christianity unique from every other religious faith?
  3. CARE Sheet 1316MosaicCAREsheet
  4. 2016 MOSAIC series and Bible Readings
  5. Inspired Evidence – a good devotion book for 2016
  6. Timber Lake Christian Church Website
  7. Timber Lake Live! (simulcast)
  8. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
1/10 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

mosaic color.jpg  SMALL PIECES / BIG PICTURE

Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Jan. 11 – Jan. 17

Jan. 11 -17,  Matt. 8-10 ;

  • Where's your space?
  • What's your time?
  • What are the key words?
  • What was God saying to them?  What's God saying to you?
  • What's the Holy Spirit going to show throughout the day?
  • For what are you grateful?
  • For what are you concerned?
  • Who needs you today?

Title: “Mosaic - The Sermon on the Mount”

Texts:  Matthew 5-7; Exodus 25:9,40; Hebrews 8:5; 1 Chr. 28:11-12,19; Matt. 15:6,7

IN A NUTSHELL: Those listening to Jesus preach these sermons had heard the laws and principles of the Mosaic law taught since birth.  Now Jesus goes deeper and teaches the heart of God's nature. Those interested in being a part of the Kingdom must learn to focus on God's nature, not just rules that might make them look like Him. It is interesting how man can take elements of one worldview and make them appear contradictory! (Mt. 5:17) It's not people who obey the law that are happy, it's the people that think the thoughts of God and delight in those things He delights in that will find themselves blessed.  Big difference!.


  1. What was Jesus trying to communicate when He said, "You have heard it said..."?  (Matt. 5:21-6:4)  Was he negating the Old Testament Law?  Was He instating a New Law?
  2. Are the Beatitudes - are they virtues to pursue, heavenly characteristics to anticipate or indicators of a present Kingdom of Heaven citizen? What's the difference? (Matt. 5:1-16)
  3. What do Ex. 25:9,40, 1 Chr. 28:11-12,19 and Heb. 8:5 tell us about the patterns for the tabernacle and temple?


  1. Do you tend to view Bible verses such as the Beatitudes as prescriptions for how to "become godly", or descriptions of what "those who are godly" look like? What's the difference?
  2. What are some passages of Scripture that may have the appearance of contradicting other passages?  Have you ever lost any arguments or just avoided talking about passages out of fear of losing the argument?
  3. Do you ever find your self promoting an opinion, conviction  or tradition (worldview) at the expense of God's word?


  1. How might your family, or a CARE Group, Bible Fellowship Class or Ministry team at T.L.C.C. help you become a "citizen" of the Kingdom rather than just someone trying on a Kingdom uniform?


  1. How might this week look different from last week if you decided today that "being a Christian" is quite different from "looking like one" or trying to "act like one?"

 Online Resources:

  1. A study of 143 alleged contradictions in the Bible
  2. The Beatitudes (
  3. 2016 MOSAIC series and Bible Readings
  4. Inspired Evidence – a good devotion book for 2016
  5. Timber Lake Christian Church Website
  6. Timber Lake Live! (simulcast)
  7. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
1/3 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

image1 (1)Sunday’s play list via YouTube This Week’s Bible Readings  Jan. 4 - Jan. 10

  •  Jan. 4 - Jan. 10, Matt. 5-7  Begin by setting a specific and consistent time to read through and pray the Scriptures. Ask the Lord to bring to mind key words especially relevant to your life, needs and interests. Circle or underline those words. Ask questions regarding the context as to the meaning of those words. Pray about those words asking God to help you understand and apply yourself to His will and the Holy Spirit's leading. Watch for things to happen that will affirm the relevance of those verses. Share the insights gained with someone else. Thank God for helping you understand them by not only learning them, but loving them and living them out each day.

Title: “Advent – The Wise Men”

Texts: Matthew 2:1-12; Micah 5:4-6;  Dan. 2:46-49;  Numbers 24:17; Isaiah 60:2-6

IN A NUTSHELL: What has the story of "The Wise Men" meant to you? Has it just been another part of the Christmas Story or maybe something bigger, like a story about very smart people willing to cash in one worldview for a better one?  The Wise Men were foreign diplomats on a quest inspired by an ancient book to find a new King!  Wise Men and women ask questions about/from the Bible and are willing to risk life changing commitments to follow it’s truths.


  1. What do we know about the Wise Men?   What is just conjecture?
  2. How could Wise Men from the East have known about a King and linked it to a star?
  3. What had Isaiah said about "the Light" in Israel?
  4. What were the uses and value of the gifts the Magi brought?


  1. How would you respond to a national leader acting the way Herod did when you had set out to find the new King with so much hope for the future?
  2. What does a closed mind look like?  What causes such a closed mind?
  3. Are there any major assumptions that you have recently turned you back on because you have sought the truth from a different perspective?


  1. Do you see "the Church" at large as better at teaching the truth or brainwashing the next generation with urban legends?
  2. How can our church improve "truth telling" over

 Online Resources:

  1. on The Wise Men (facts & fiction)
  2. The Wise Men's gifts - contemporary estimates
  3. 2016 MOSAIC series and Bible Readings
  4. Inspired Evidence – Devotional for 2016
  5. Timber Lake Christian Church Website
  6. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
12/27 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

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Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Dec. 28- Jan. 3

  •  Dec. 28 – Jan. 3, Matt. 1-4  Begin by setting a specific and consistent time to read through and pray the Scriptures. Ask the Lord to bring to mind key words especially relevant to your life, needs and interests. Circle or underline those words. Ask questions regarding the context as to the meaning of those words. Pray about those words asking God to help you understand and apply yourself to the Scripture you are reading. Watch for things to happen that will affirm the relevance of those verses. Share the insights gained with someone else. Thank God for helping you understand them by not only learning them, but loving them and living them out each day.

Title: "Advent – The Shepherds"

Texts: Luke 2:8-20;  Gen. 46:34 Col. 3:23-24

IN A NUTSHELL: How do you view your work in light of God's purpose in your life? How do you think the shepherds viewed their work?   How did those around the shepherds view their work? Many people tie their self worth to the way the world views their work.  Not God!  Obstacle? or Opportunity?


  1. How did the Egyptians view the Israelites since they herded livestock? Gen. 46:34
  2. How did the shepherds react to the Angel's announcement?
  3. What passages of Scripture can help guide me to know if God is "pleased with me"? John 8:24; 11:253:16-18, 36;  Acts 2:38
  4. What are some key biblical principles that should guide us as we view our work in light of God's purpose?Proverbs 11:1; 1 Thessalonians 4:17; Psalms 127:1; 1Timothy 5:8; Ephesians 4:28; Proverbs 22:29; Proverbs 14:23; Matthew 5:16; 1 Corinthians 16:14; Proverbs 24:27; James 4:13-15; 1 Peter 3:15; 2 Corinthians 5:20; Colossians 3:23-24; 1 Peter 2:18; Proverbs 28:19; Ephesians 4:29


  1. What are some key issues of your work that appear to be obstacles?
  2. How might God use those obstacles to "grow you in your faith, love and hope"?


  1. How might the church... your CARE group, help you change your perspective of obstacles into opportunities?

 Online Resources:

  1. Shepherd's Status w/ Randy Alcorn
  2. 2016 MOSAIC series and Bible Readings
  3. Inspired Evidence – Devotional for 2016
  4. Timber Lake Christian Church Website
  5. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
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12/20 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

image1 (1) Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Dec. 20-26

Title: Advent - Jesus

Texts: Micah 5:2; Luke 1:47-48; Matthew 19:28-30;  16:24 Matthew 20:15-16; Hebrews 2:9-10

IN A NUTSHELL: King of kings and Lord of lords, Holy One of God,  Light of the World, Firstborn over all creation, Prince of Peace, Son of God, Alpha and Omega... given birth in a stable to be cared for by young blue collar workers. Jesus as a new born was laid in a feeding trough, greeted by itinerant shepherds and funded by the benevolence of foreign diplomats.  No room in the inn, no tolerance from His people, and no patience from his brothers and sisters.  Irony of ironies... what can make sense of these extreme realities?  Oh yes, rise prepare for us home. Merry Christmas to all!


  1. How  was the city of Bethlehem viewed around the time of Jesus? Micah 5:2
  2. What was the irony that Mary saw in God's call on her life?   Luke 1:47-48
  3. What are two extreme contrasting things that Jesus  says about  those who follow Him? Matthew 19:28-30;  16:24
  4. What has resulted in your life because of Jesus', birth... life...death... resurrection?  Hebrews 2:9-10


  1. Is there anything special, "redeeming" about your town?  Your family?  Your home?  Name it! Thank God for it! Ask God to help you grow it!
  2. What obstacles do you see in your life right now?   How might they become backdrops to God's grace!
  3. How might you need to "reverse" your thinking about your life?


  1. How has the ministry of T.L.C.C. helped God take obstacles and turn them into backdrops of God's grace, making them opportunities?

 Online Resources:

  1. Names for Jesus  Christ - "Got Questions website"
  2. TLCC’s 2015 Advent Calendar
  3. Legacy Video - Ray, Jim, Becky & Karen
  4. The True Story of Pain and Hope Behind the "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day"
  5. Inspired Evidence – Devotional for 2016
  6. 50 People Every Christian Should Know
  7. Timber Lake Christian Church Website
  8. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
12/13 "Joseph"

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Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Dec. 13-19

Texts: Matt. 1:18-25; Lk. 1:38-40;  Lk. 2; Eph. 5:25-33; Lev. 20:10; Jn. 8:1-11

IN A NUTSHELL:  First century Jewish husbands were large and in charge. The women of their lives could easily have been (and often were) viewed as little more than “arrow fillers of a man’s quiver.” Joseph’s obstacles humanly speaking were huge, but in spite  of those obstacles he chose to look at the opportunities.  Marriages that put God’s purpose before their own preferences often change the course of history for their families, our churches and even our world!


  1. How might we manage ourselves in order to turn times of obstacles into times of opportunities with our spouses? Rom. 12:16-21; Pr. 15:1; Ph. 2:4; Col. 3:13; Eph. 4:26; Jas. 1:2-4
  2. What is to be the priority for husbands toward their wives and who provided the ultimate example?
  3. What was the common reaction toward women that had been unfaithful? John 8:1-11
  4. Do we see any words describing Mary’s reaction to the news of her being pregnant? (Lk. 1:39)
  5. What specifically did Joseph decide to do to settle the issue of Mary’s alleged unfaithfulness?
  6. What all can we understand about Joseph from Matthew’s and Luke’s Gospels?


  1. Did you ever wonder if Jesus thought about how Joseph handled Mary as he looked upon the woman caught in adultery?
  2. Just because your spouses’ actions gives you a just reason to react negatively toward them does Christ’s example give us the right to do so?
  3. Which is better to focus on manage our own reactions or controlling our spouses?
  4. What are your “fear buttons”?  (See "Fear Cycle" below)
  5. What are your typical reactions when your “buttons are pushed”?
  6. What do you really want in your relationship?
  7. Do your typical reactions tend to promote or detract from your “wants”?


  1. How might the church better help families in conflict?

 Online Resources:

  1. This week’s CARE Sheet
  2. Fear Cycle - fear buttons, reactions, wants assessment - Fear Cycle
  3. TLCC’s 2015 Advent Calendar
  4. Christianity: the Best Thing that Ever Happened to Women (an article)
  5. A Test of Love tract
  6. Inspired Evidence - Devotional for 2016
  7. Conflict Resolution in the Bible
  8. Timber Lake Christian Church Website
  9. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
12/3 Mary

image1 (1) Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Nov. 22-28

Texts:  Luke 1:26-56

IN A NUTSHELL: Many women’s lives historically have been divided into pre-marriage/post marriage, pre-college or post college, pre-children or post-children. Mary’s life could have been regarded as “pre-Gabriel” and “post-Gabriel."  In every stage of life there are obstacles and opportunities. What we choose to see as we embrace that stage may make the difference of finishing well or destroying a great Godly legacy.


  1. How does the Bible describe people responding to an angel appearing to them?
  2. What was at stake (going to be the cost) for Mary because of this announcement?
  3. What are the ironies, contrasting views, or “reversals” that Mary sees in God’s announcement to her?
  4. What seemed to inspire Mary to view this as an opportunity of service, rather than an obstacle in her life?
  5. How do you imagine responding if an angel appeared to you for any reason?
  6. How has being a faithful Christian (parent, spouse, employee, church leader) been an obstacle to your comfort, happiness, or life enjoyment?
  7. “Motherhood” for many ladies become a source of personal fulfillment. Knowing what Mary watched take place in Jesus’ life how much “personal fulfillment” do you imagine her receiving from being Jesus’ mother?
  8. How have you practice viewing challenges as opportunities?
  9. What are some Scriptures that you need to embrace which can help you view life obstacles as Godly opportunities to fulfill His purpose?
  10. Do you sense God calling on you to sacrifice any life hope or dream for Him to be able to fulfill His purpose through your ministry instead?


 Online Resources:

  1. This week's CARE Sheet CARE Sheet 12-1-15
  2. TLCC’s 2015 Advent Calendar
  3. Mary - The Virgin Birth of Jesus compared to the Mythological god Mithras
  4. Timber Lake Christian Church Website
  5. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
11/29 “Advent Analyzed: What’s this Season all About?”

image1 (1) Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Nov. 22-28

Texts:  Traditionally,  each week of the advent season has emphasized one of these five elements of the Christmas story.  These will form the outline of our message on Sunday, and you can look ahead at the texts if you want.. #1 -- Prophecy / Hope (Romans 15:12-13) #2 -- Bethlehem / Peace (Luke 3:4-6) #3 -- Shepherds / Joy (Luke 2:7-15) #4 -- Angel / Love (John 3:16-17) #5 -- Christ (John 1:29)

IN A NUTSHELL: What's the Advent Season all about?  Is it the same as the Christmas season or unique?  Is it consistent with biblical themes and priorities?  Could this season be celebrated in a way that helps us grow in faith rather than focus on materialistic 'stuff?"

QUESTIONS: During Advent, we recall the waiting and expectancy that God's people had in anticipation of the Messiah.  Think about these questions in relationship to waiting and patience in your own life:

  1. Do you find it difficult to wait and trust in God’s love? Why or why not?
  2. We often think of waiting as being passive. However, the waiting we see in Scripture is very active. One author has described it this way: “Active waiting means to be present fully to the moment, in the conviction that something is happening where you are and that you want to be present to it.” Have you ever thought of waiting in this way? What are some ways in which you can practice active waiting?
  3. In general, do you try to control your life or do you allow God to define your life? Does it scare you to trust God with your future?

 Online Resources:

  1. TLCC's 2015 Advent Calendar
  2. What is Advent?
  3. Family Advent Ideas
  4. Timber Lake Christian Church Website
  5. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
11/22 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

God Encounters Sunday’s play list via YouTube

Title:  “Encountering God- with Gratitude”

This Week’s Bible Readings  Nov. 22-28

Texts:  Mic. 6:8; Mt. 7:14; Lk. 17, 18 & 19Rev. 12:7-12

IN A NUTSHELL:  The prophet Micah said, “Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly before God.”  Worship is the humble walk. It is the knee buckling, jaw dropping acknowledgement of the gap between the creature and the creator, sinful and the Holy.  It is the heart-rending, spirit-mending gratitude and the joy of celebrating grace and redemption. This is all wrapped up in a hope that starts today and will last an eternity.

ICE BREAKER:  When was the last time you felt overwhelmed with gratitude?  What caused your thankfulness?  How did you respond?


  1. What does Mt. 7:14 suggest about the number of those going to heaven?
  2. What are God's priorities for us as His children? Mic. 6:8
  3. List the stories recorded in Luke chapters 17 - 19.  What lessons on gratitude might be taken from those stories?  Lk. 17, 18 & 19
  4. We've heard the phrase for decades, no doubt, it's been said for millennia, "What's this world coming to?"  What's the answer? Rev. 12:7-12


  1. Some have suggested that there are often key events in a person’s life that moves them from a mindset of gratitude, discovery and hope to a mindset of criticism, discouragement and hopelessness. Can you identify an event, relationship or circumstance that generally speaking changed your disposition (either good to bad or bad to good) Do you have any unfinished business with God or someone else regarding forgiveness or expressing gratitude?


  1.  How might the world be different if gratitude for God’s grace were more spoken of by the church rather than criticism and judgement. We’re not talking about the absence of Scripture but rather the improvement of our tone!



Online Resources:

  1. The CARE Sheet –11415GodEnccaresheet
  2. "Teaching Thankfulness" - Creative Connections for Kids
  3. "Biscuit is Thankful" - A children's book
  4. "30 Days of Thanksgiving" a daily devotional
  5. "The Dangerous Act of Worship" book by Mark Labberton
  6. TLCC Music Ministry – Pinterest Board
  7. Timber Lake Christian Church Website
  8. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
11/15 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

God Encounters

Sunday’s play list via YouTube

Title:  “Encountering God- Spiritual Warfare in Worship”

This Week’s Bible Readings  Nov. 16-21 

Texts: Matt. 5:23-24; Ac. 16:16-40;  John 4:23-24Eph. 6:10-18; 1 Pet. 5:8-102 Cor. 10:3-4; Heb. 3:13, 4:12-13;  Gal. 5:19-21;  Col. 3:5-8Mk. 7:21-23

IN A NUTSHELL  If  worshiping God “in spirit and in truth” is seen by Jesus as one of the most important things for us to understand in our worship, then Satan is more than happy to just tweak our disposition and slightly distorting the truth.

ICE BREAKER  Describe the last time you saw the patrolman and knew you were going to be stopped.  What is it that causes us to be careless until we think we are about to be caught?


  1. What did the woman at Jacob's well go to for discussion when she perceived Jesus was a prophet?
  2. Since the devil is trying to "devour" us what does Peter say we should do?
  3. What are the weapons we fight with as Christians?
  4. In what ways might John 4:23,24 and Heb. 4:12-13 be linked regarding the "spirit & truth"?


  1. How can Christians help each other avoid being deceived by Satan?
  2. What today has challenged your ability to worship God in Spirit and truth?
  3. Take a look at the back of the CARE Sheet (Worship Priority) and spend some time this week evaluating your thoughts and actions.  If you are a Christian they are at war with the Holy Spirit in you as you try to worship. In light of those passages of Scripture how might you better make worshiping God in Spirit and truth a priority this next week?


  1. If someone came to church today for the first time and asked you about the most important thing about your church, what would you describe?  Why?


Online Resources:

  1. The CARE Sheet –11315GodEnccaresheet
  2. Spiritual Warfare - by Karl Payne
  3. Indications of Spiritual Warfare 
  4. TLCC Music Ministry – Pinterest Board
  5. Timber Lake Christian Church Website
  6. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
  7. "Oh, that's good!" Hee Haw tribute to comedian Archie Campbell
11/8 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

God Encounters Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Nov. 8-15 

  • Esther 1-10
  • Psalms 59-71

Texts:   Rev. 4:8-11; Neh. 8:6; Hab. 2:20; Matt. 2:11; Ps. 47:1; 2 Sam. 6:14, 16, 22

IN A NUTSHELL  Posture not only reflects the attitude of humility and gratitude that is present in the believer, but postures can enhance and magnify the experience of gratitude and reverence expressed by the believer.

ICE BREAKER  When a child raises their hands to his father, he wants to be picked up. When a friend offers you a gift, you reach out to receive it. When you celebrate a great victory, you jump up and down and shout and high five those around you. When you enter in the presence of a great king, you bow down in honor and respect. Talk about how posture does have meaning and significance in our lives.


Read 2 Sam. 6.  Why was David dancing with all his might in worship of the Lord?  What was his response to his wife's critical comments about his expression of worship?


Do you find yourself more often being like David and worshiping God without inhibitions? Or do you find yourself more like Michal who is embarrassed and critical of those who are expressive in worship? Which one did God bless?


In a world that often does not believe in a Creator God, what do you think the average person thinks when they see someone passionately singing and lifting their hands in worship? How could posture communicate to a broken world that you believe in an unseen God?  ?


Online Resources:

  1. The CARE Sheet –11215GodEnccaresheet
  2. Worship in the Bible - David Carpenter
  3. LCC Music Ministry – Pinterest Board
  4. Timber Lake Christian Church Website
  5. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
11/1 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

God Encounters Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Nov. 1-7 

  • Ezekiel 33-48
  • II Timothy 1-4
  • Psalms 56-58

Title: “Encountering the Holy Spirit in Worship”

Texts: Acts 4; Gal. 5:19-26;  1 Cor. 12:1-11;  Jn. 15:26; 14:15-25; 1 Cor. 14:33; Ro. 8:26; Jn. 3:1-13; Rom. 11:34Is. 55:8,9

In a Nutshell: According to Acts 4 when we encounter the Holy Spirit amidst worship we could see some or all of these things which happen totally at God's discretion, not by man’s invention or device.  The overriding manifestations of the presence of the Holy Spirit include: respectful boldness of the believers and indisputable resources & successes of the gospel among the believers and unbelievers.

 ICE BREAKER  When is the last time you prayed for revival? Why? Why not?


  1. What things “happened to the church” in Acts 4?
  2. What things did “the church do” in Acts 4?
  3. What happened “amidst the church” outside of their control in Acts 4?
  4. What was Paul saying to the most divided, confused and argumentative church (Corinth) found in the Bible when he said, “You know that when you were pagans you were led astray to mute idols, however you were led.” See also 1 Cor. 14:12,20
  5. What is the difference between “manifestations of the Spirit” and the “fruits of the Spirit”? Gal. 5:19-26


  1. If you had a choice between having the power to do miraculous things and gain a large audience or the power to live every day filled with resolve growing in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control which would you choose? Why?
  2. What would you say is the most “noteworthy” thing that happened in Acts 4?
  3. What would you like to see in Acts 4 happen to Timber Lake today?


  1. How might Randolph County be changed if we prayed for boldness to share Christ with others amidst difficult situations?

synergy flame

  1. This week at supper read, discuss the meaning of and pray about the “Fruits of the Spirit” (Gal. 5:22-24).  Look for ways to foster hope in the worlds in which each of your family members live. Believing in the Holy Spirit and celebrating life means living in hope. Have a positive , enthusiastic and supportive attitude rather than a critical one.   See how that habit changes  your next time “at church.”

Online Resources:

  1. The CARE Sheet –11115GodEnccaresheet
  2. "Forgotten God"  by Francis Chan
  3. "The Holy Spirit" by Jack Cottrell
  4. "Counterfeit Revival" by Hank Hanegraff
  5. The Difference Between Emotion and Emotionalism in Worship
  6. LCC Music Ministry – Pinterest Board
  7. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
10/25 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

God Encounters Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Oct. 24 – 31 

  • Ezekiel 17-32
  • Psalms 54-55
  • I Thessalonians 1-5

Title: “A Genuine Encounter"

Texts: 1 Sam. 16:7; Mat. 15; 1 Cor. 10; Heb 12:28-29; Isa. 57:15

In a Nutshell: What does it mean to worship God authentically?  What are the qualities of genuine worship?  The New Testament does not give us a “prescription” for how to worship God.  It would have been much easier if God had done that, but He wanted us to have freedom and creativity.  We’ll look at several “healthy tensions” when it comes to worshiping God with our mind, bodies, and emotions (heart).

 ICE BREAKER:  Describe a time in your life (an event, personal worship time, etc.) when you had an awesome God encounter.  What were the circumstances? How did that experience change your overall picture of what it means to worship God?



  1. What does 1 Sam. 16:7 teach us about genuine worship? Can you tell if someone else is worshiping God by how the look, act, feel, etc.?
  2. What does 1 Cor. 10:31 tell us about when / how often we worship God? Have you ever been guilty of having an “event-oriented” view of worship rather than worshiping in all of life?
  3. In what ways do we worship horizontally, and in what ways do we worship vertically? (Psalm 29, Eph. 1:3-6, 1 Cor. 14:26, Col. 3:16, 1 Cor. 11)


  1. What is the number one priority when it comes to worshiping and serving God? (Matthew 15:8ff)  Have you been focused too much on emotions or actions and not enough on your heart?


  1. What do you believe is the healthy balance between staying rooted (tradition, hymns, doctrinal emphasis) and relevant (modern terminology, changes in style, etc.)?
  2. In what ways are your expressions of worship and service observable and compelling to the world (unbelievers) around you?


  1. Did the explanations of any of the healthy tensions challenge your thinking about genuine worship?
  1.  synergy flame
  2. Worship and service cannot be separated.  The fact is that we were created to serve God. When we worship God, we will naturally serve Him, and when we serve God, we are worshiping Him.  As Christians, no matter how young or old, we all have something to do.  We are servants of the Most High God!   When we think of a servant, we may think of someone who reports to work for a specific amount of time and is paid a specific wage. That is an employee – not a servant.  In the New Testament, the Greek word for “serve” is often “latreuo” and is often translated as “worship.”  This is not the picture of a slave serving a master. It is the picture of a relationship of love that compels action.  Romans 12:1 — “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.”

Online Resources:

  1. The CARE Sheet –10415GodEnccaresheet (1)
  2. LCC Music Ministry – Pinterest Board
  3. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
10/18 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

God Encounters Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Oct. 11 – 17 

  • Ezekiel 1-16
  • Romans 12-16
  • Psalms 52-53

Title: “Encountering God in Scripture ”

Texts: Matthew 6:1-15; Psalm 100

In a Nutshell:  The principle of ’affirmation’ could be derived from Scripture and compiled into a format that would act as a prayer  tool to enable people to encounter God in Scripture.

 ICE BREAKER:  Do you remember a time you fell asleep while you were praying?



  1. What seems to be a reoccurring theme (comparison/contrast) in Matthew 6:1-15?
  2. What is Jesus asking God for when he says” your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”?
  3. It has been suggested that two verses of Psalm 100 are action oriented, and two are knowledge based. Which ones are which in your estimation?
  4. Is it possible to enter “his presence/courts” without singing, really singing?
  5. What would it look like to come into a corporate worship service not realizing that you are His? He owns you…


  1. What areas of your life are not ordered as God has ordered heaven?
  2. What keeps you singing when you worship?
  3. How is my prayer life… really? Selfish or selfless? Focused or haphazard


  1. How might you take this verse (Matt. 9:35-37)and pray for people in your world?


  1.  synergy flame
  2. This week take seriously one of the below challenges:
    1. This week commit to read/pray with/from/through 1 John chapter 1.
    2. Go to next week’s CARE sheet usually posted on Thursdays and then read/pray the Scriptures to be used in the sermon.
    3. Buy the book (“Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Intimate Worship”) and commit to at least one month of praying through Scripture.  [Oct. 25—Nov. 26, Thanksgiving]
    4. Check out this website knowing only the Scripture is inspired and man’s interpretation and application always needs to be checked with the Bible (Acts 17:11).

Online Resources:

  1. The CARE Sheet – 10315GodEnccaresheet
  2. Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Intimate Worshipby Kenneth Boa
  3. TLCC Music Ministry – Pinterest Board
  4. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
10/11 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

God Encounters Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Oct. 11 – 17 

Title: “The Cost of Encountering God ”

Texts:   Leviticus 1-7; Luke 9; 18; Mark 12; Ac. 2, 4

In a Nutshell:God has always shown that it takes sacrifice to worship Him properly. We honor him appropriately when we give the first and the best. If we only give the leftovers, it is not worship. 

ICE BREAKER:  Remember a time when you responded with a glad and generous heart. Maybe a VBS where you emptied out your piggy bank to help a missionary, or wrote an extravagant check to help the Lord's work, or committed a significant amount of time to serve in a ministry you are passionate about?



  1. Skim through Leviticus 1-7 and notice some of the repeated words about what we are to bring to the Lord in worship.
  2. How difficult is it to give your best, an animal without defect, or the finest flour? To be burned (wasted?) in the fire. Have you ever felt like your were throwing money way when you were putting money in the offering?
  3. Have you read through the old testament sacrifice requirements and thought, "I am so glad we don't have to do that anymore." Discuss why we say that.


  1. When we read the New Testament, we see Jesus asking for much more than a tithe. Read Luke 18:18-25; Luke 9:23-25; Mark 12:41-44; Acts 2:44-45;4:32-35.
  2. Do you see yourself in any of those stories? Have you encountered God in such a way that you love Him and other believers to the point of sacrificial giving?
  3. Maybe instead of "giving till it hurts" we should "give until we worship." Do we give our first and best from a heart of worship? What would that look like for you?


  1. If we gave and shared in one another's needs, how would that change the reputation of the church in the community?  We tend to place limits on what we are willing to give up so that we feel secure and safe.


  • Will you sacrifice with joy and worship God as you give and serve this year?
  • Will you cheerfully give with a glad heart when you see a need that you can fill?
  1.  synergy flame
  2. Ask "Do I trust God enough to give sacrificially in my offerings of money, time and talents?" And if not, why not?  What would our ministry and missions budget look like if we gave not according to our comfort, but according to the need. Would the nursery, children's and youth ministry ever lack for volunteers? Would the communion and shut-in ministry ever have to beg?

Online Resources:

  1. The CARE Sheet - 10215GodEnccaresheet
  2. A Call to Die” by David Nasson
  3. TLCC Music Ministry – Pinterest Board
  4. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
10/4 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

God Encounters Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Oct. 4 - 11 

Title: "Created to Encounter God"

Texts:  Romans 1Genesis 4;  John 4

In a Nutshell: As birds are designed to fly, and fish are designed to swim, so we humans are designed to love God.  Bible stories provide windows into the lives of people as they have encountered God.  The first challenge we discover quickly is our tendency to love that which has been created, instead of the Creator. 


ICE BREAKER  Can you remember the first thing/person that made you think… “I can’t live without…”?


  1. How did Cain's attitude toward his brother affect his relationship with God?  Genesis 4
  2. What was the beginning of the downward fall for those that become enslaved to sin? Romans 1
  3. What are the two most important elements God expects us to bring to our worship of Him? John 4



  4. What was the most dominant emotion you have sensed this morning since coming to church?   What action or thought did that emotion come from?emoticons
  5. If God were to tell you "sin is crouching at your door and you must master it" what situation would He be referring to?
  6.  If all your struggles had been exposed and forgiven (like the woman at the well) how would your worship experience be different?


  7. How did Cain's attitude toward his brother affect his relationship with God?  Genesis 4
  8. Has the Holy Spirit brought to mind a name of a person that you need to visit with at the water cooler (Jacob's well)?  What do you need to tell them?  


  9. Jot down one thing you sense the Holy Spirit telling you that you need to do differently this week. 
  10.  synergy flame
  11. Let’s think about a recent family challenge where one of you struggled with anger or bitterness. On a scale of 1-10 how difficult was it to go to church, read the Bible, pray?  Was there anything specific that helped you to overcome those feelings?

Online Resources:

  1. "The Way of a Worshiper" by Buddy Owens
  2. TLCC Music Ministry - Pinterest Board
  3. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
9/27 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

shofar holiday Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Sept. 20- 26 

Title: “The Feast of Tabernacles - Tents, Water & Light”

Texts:  John 7-9; Ex. 23:16,33-43; Is. 12:3; 44:3; Ps. 27:1; Is. 60:1;  Heb. 11:32-40  

In a Nutshell: “The Feast of Tabernacles (a.k.a. Ingathering) celebrated the harvest God had given them. It was to be a reminder of how God had taken them from Egypt to Israel, a pilgrimage with a destination.  Rabbis were quoted saying, ‘if a person has not been to Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles they didn’t know what rejoicing really meant.’ Today we remember this is not our home and more importantly celebrate that Jesus will take us there!"


  1. What indications (their actions/statements) do you see in John 7-9 that the Jews were "on edge" about Jesus?
  2. Jesus' brothers did not believe Jesus was "the son of God". Therefore what were they trying to do when they urged him to go to Jerusalem for the "Feast of Tabernacles" (Booths)? (Jn. 7:1-9)
  3. Were the Jews primarily upset about what Jesus had done, or who He said He was?
  4. God wanted the Feast of Tabernacles to be celebrated for what reason?
  5. While the Jewish leaders had developed the traditions of carrying water to the altar and carrying torches into the city what did Jesus do/say to direct those traditions toward His identity?  (Jn. 7:37,38;  8:12-13; Is. 12:3; 44:3; Ps. 27:1; Is. 60:1)
  6. What were the heroes of our faith focused on?  And what did they hold on to loosely? Heb. 11:32-40  
  7.  synergy flame Putting it all together
  8. What is it about going camping that causes your family to reconnect?
  9. The Feast of Tabernacles had evolved into a festival of traditions surrounding winter rains, waning hours of sunlight.  How did Jesus recover the main points of the Holy Spirit and living out the will of God before others?
  10. What do you (your family) do to keep you focused on the eternal/spiritual priorities in your lives?

Online Resources:

  1. CARE Sheet - CARE Sheet 9-4-15 b
  2. The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)
  3. The last 12 months has changed many Jewish minds & hearts!
  4. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
Yom Kippur at Timber Lake Christian Church

It’s the cold grey days that makes the warm sunshine most welcomed. In contrast it’s the long hot days that makes the cool breeze calm the soul.  It’s the lonely days, months and years that will make the heart sing when the company of true love is found.  In contrast, it’s the constant barrage of a passionate person wanting their needs met or insisting on their preferences first that will make being alone an oasis! Gratitude is best nurtured when seeing your life from the context of the contrasts!  When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior we begin to bask in the warm of His grace.  But it is important to remember that Jesus is more than just our Saviour, He is to be our Lord as well.  The proof of having comprehended His grace is the gratitude with which we live our lives, grateful enough to follow in His footsteps – not perfectly, but faithfully…persistently!

The Holiday of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) and the ten days before can be a time to “afflict ourselves” (Num. 29:7), or “test yourselves to see whether you are in the faith” (2 Cor. 13:5).  If you want to see the contrast (context) in which the Day of Atonement was born read Leviticus 16.  Looking at our lives through the lens of Scripture about sin isn’t to communicate one day you’re saved and the next day you are not. This isn’t trying to communicate you must earn your salvation.   But it is recognizing that “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” This is a time to honestly ask yourself if you are living a life of grateful obedience to God or just indulging in His grace assuming “your constant indulgence in sin is forgiven anyway.”

Celebrating Yom Kippur means denying yourself of the regular routine (eating, working, playing) and spend some time asking yourself some hard questions.  Once you and God through His word and prayer (the Holy Spirit) have determined just whose “script” you are following it’s time to celebrate (break the fast)!


Tonight we will meet at 5:30 at the TLCC pavilion and have a hot dog roast, discuss a New Testament meaning of Yom Kippur and watch the movie “Jonah”.   The challenge is to fast until tomorrow after church.  Then together we will have a pot-luck “breakfast” celebrating God’s grace!  If possible tomorrow for church wear white to celebrate God’s redemption.  Jesus sacrifice.

9/20 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

shofar holiday Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Sept. 20- 26 

Title: “The Day of At-One-Ment - at what cost?”

Texts:  Lev. 16; Hebrews 9 & 10; Matthew 251 Corinthians 6:9-11; Galatians 5:19-21; Revelation 21:8; Luke 22:15-20; Romans 1:18-3:31; Isaiah 1&2

In a Nutshell: "At-One-Ment" in today's vernacular might be "on the same page", "soul-mates", "of the same mind and heart".  Atonement Day in the Old Testament was that annual reminder that God and His people would only be "at-one" because of God's provision and man's obedience.  Since Jesus' sacrifice the Day of Atonement is a good day for us to ask ourselves if we are living out of gratitude and obedience or selfishness and entitlement. In other words, "am I and God of the same mind and heart?"


  1. What are the sins listed in the New Testament that describe a life outside of the will of God? (1 Cor 6:9-11, Gal. 5:19-21, Rev. 21:8)
  2. What does the author of Hebrews say the blood of bulls and goats could cleanse? What about the blood of Jesus?" (Hebrews 9:11-14)
  3. Based upon the entire chapter of Matthew 25 what criteria seems to be used for determining who will be regarded as sheep, and who will be judged as goats?
  4.  synergy flame Putting it all together…
  5. At what point do you begin moving from good intentions to actual success when congratulating your kids for doing the right thing?  What is the difference between "good intentions" and "righteousness"?
  6. What does it look like when people choose not to honor God as God, or acknowledge Him, or even worse to live in opposition to His commands?  How can this be made understandable for children and youth?

Online Resources:

  1. CARE Sheet –CARE Sheet 9-3-15
  2. Yom Kippur - Pre- & Break- fast menus
  3. Ten Days of Awe
  4. A Solemn Assembly
  5. Core Values of My Preaching & Teaching Ministry - Doug Delp
  6. Freedom of Religion (not freedom from religion) - Doug Delp
  7. How Could a Loving God Send Anyone to Hell? Christian Standard Article
  8. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)
9/13 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

shofar holiday Sunday’s play list via YouTube

Last Week’s Bible Readings  Sept. 6 – 12 

 This week’s Bible Readings  Sept. 13- 19 

Title: “The Feast of Trumpets”

Texts:  Num. 29:1-8; Lev. 23:23-27; Ex. 19:10-17;  Lk. 22:20; Mt. 25:1-13; 1 Cor. 15:51-52; 1 Thess. 4:16-17

In a Nutshell: The shofar (Ram's horn) was used to "call God's people together" and the feast was expressly stated to be kept as a "memorial."  The feast of Trumpets is the first of three fall festivals united by the thought of redemption and atonement.  It has been called "10 days of Awe" referring to the need for repentance and redemption through God's amazing grace. If "The Trumpet" was blown today would you be ready?  While we should not become legalistic about keeping festivals since all things Old find their fulfillment in Jesus how might knowing/celebrating the Feast of Trumpets enhance our faith in Christ?


  1. What major events need to be "remembered" in a memorial such as the Feast of Trumpets? Num. 19:1-6; Lev. 23:23-27; Ex. 19:13
  2. How are the Lord's Supper and the Jewish wedding traditions tied by Jesus to his plan of redemption? Lk. 22:20; Mt. 25:1-13;
  3. Who is it that blows the shofar? Ex. 19:13;  1 Cor. 15:51-52; 1 Thess. 4:16-17
  4.  synergy flame Putting it all together…
  5. If you were to view the next 10 days as ones to prepare your mind and heart to repent of sins and find confidence in God's plan of redemption what would you do?
  6. Keep in mind that the last feast is of "Tabernacles" and is the most joyous of all feasts!  How might your family be benefited by undergoing a major "house cleaning" of sin and a spiritual revival?   What would that look like in your home?
  7. When is the last day you woke up thinking... today could be THE day!?
  8. How can you talk to your children about Jesus' second coming without creating fear?

Online Resources:

  1. CARE Sheet - CARE Sheet 9-1-15
  2. A Solemn Assembly
  3. The Feast of Trumpets
  4. Heaven  by Randy Alcorn
  5. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)