10/18 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

God Encounters Sunday’s play list via YouTube

This Week’s Bible Readings  Oct. 11 – 17 

  • Ezekiel 1-16
  • Romans 12-16
  • Psalms 52-53

Title: “Encountering God in Scripture ”

Texts: Matthew 6:1-15; Psalm 100

In a Nutshell:  The principle of ’affirmation’ could be derived from Scripture and compiled into a format that would act as a prayer  tool to enable people to encounter God in Scripture.

 ICE BREAKER:  Do you remember a time you fell asleep while you were praying?



  1. What seems to be a reoccurring theme (comparison/contrast) in Matthew 6:1-15?
  2. What is Jesus asking God for when he says” your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”?
  3. It has been suggested that two verses of Psalm 100 are action oriented, and two are knowledge based. Which ones are which in your estimation?
  4. Is it possible to enter “his presence/courts” without singing, really singing?
  5. What would it look like to come into a corporate worship service not realizing that you are His? He owns you…


  1. What areas of your life are not ordered as God has ordered heaven?
  2. What keeps you singing when you worship?
  3. How is my prayer life… really? Selfish or selfless? Focused or haphazard


  1. How might you take this verse (Matt. 9:35-37)and pray for people in your world?


  1.  synergy flame
  2. This week take seriously one of the below challenges:
    1. This week commit to read/pray with/from/through 1 John chapter 1.
    2. Go to next week’s CARE sheet usually posted on Thursdays and then read/pray the Scriptures to be used in the sermon. www.dougdelp.wordpress.com
    3. Buy the book (“Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Intimate Worship”) and commit to at least one month of praying through Scripture.  [Oct. 25—Nov. 26, Thanksgiving]
    4. Check out this website knowing only the Scripture is inspired and man’s interpretation and application always needs to be checked with the Bible (Acts 17:11). www.pray-the-scriptures.com

Online Resources:

  1. The CARE Sheet – 10315GodEnccaresheet
  2. Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Intimate Worshipby Kenneth Boa
  3. TLCC Music Ministry – Pinterest Board
  4. Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)