10/18 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship
Sunday’s play list via YouTube
This Week’s Bible Readings Oct. 11 – 17
- Ezekiel 1-16
- Romans 12-16
- Psalms 52-53
Title: “Encountering God in Scripture ”
Texts: Matthew 6:1-15; Psalm 100
In a Nutshell: The principle of ’affirmation’ could be derived from Scripture and compiled into a format that would act as a prayer tool to enable people to encounter God in Scripture.
ICE BREAKER: Do you remember a time you fell asleep while you were praying?
- What seems to be a reoccurring theme (comparison/contrast) in Matthew 6:1-15?
- What is Jesus asking God for when he says” your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”?
- It has been suggested that two verses of Psalm 100 are action oriented, and two are knowledge based. Which ones are which in your estimation?
- Is it possible to enter “his presence/courts” without singing, really singing?
- What would it look like to come into a corporate worship service not realizing that you are His? He owns you…
- What areas of your life are not ordered as God has ordered heaven?
- What keeps you singing when you worship?
- How is my prayer life… really? Selfish or selfless? Focused or haphazard
- How might you take this verse (Matt. 9:35-37)and pray for people in your world?
- This week take seriously one of the below challenges:
- This week commit to read/pray with/from/through 1 John chapter 1.
- Go to next week’s CARE sheet usually posted on Thursdays and then read/pray the Scriptures to be used in the sermon. www.dougdelp.wordpress.com
- Buy the book (“Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Intimate Worship”) and commit to at least one month of praying through Scripture. [Oct. 25—Nov. 26, Thanksgiving]
- Check out this website knowing only the Scripture is inspired and man’s interpretation and application always needs to be checked with the Bible (Acts 17:11). www.pray-the-scriptures.com
Online Resources:
- The CARE Sheet – 10315GodEnccaresheet
- “Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Intimate Worship" by Kenneth Boa
- TLCC Music Ministry – Pinterest Board
- Timber Lake’s past videos (Vimeo)