5/31 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

SummerVacationOption2 TLCC Worship – Here are this week’s songs, and as always, they are on the Spotify playlist.

May 14 -30 Bible Readings: 

May 31 -June 6 Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:   Saul was impressive - David was overlooked.  Saul was hiding in the luggage, David was tending the sheep! Everybody goes places and does things, but only those that take God with them everywhere they go end up effective and successful in their Christian walk.

Ice Breaker: Do you remember the old "most likely to..." in your high school year book?  How did that work out?  Were there any significant surprises that might be appropriate to share? :-)

Title:  Celebrate Summer Vacation 1 of 3 - "Going Places!"

Texts:  1 Samuel 9 & 10; 1 Samuel 16

Questions to Consider:

  1. Where was Saul going and what was he doing when he found out he had been chosen by God to be Israel's "prince"?
  2. What "signs" did Samuel describe to Saul that he truly would be anointed the leader of Israel?
  3. Where did they find Saul when Samuel had come to anoint him King?
  4. Where was David and what was he doing when Samuel came to anoint him King?
  5. What are some specific priorities you have set for your family this summer?  Do your priorities include God?  Or would He be better consider an after thought in your plans?

Online Resources:
