6/21 Prepare Your Heart for Worship
Happy Father's Day -to two men that have inspired me... my father (Ralph Delp) and the father of my granddaughter Ruby (Adam Barkey).
TLCC Worship – Led by Cyle Cundiff and the Praise Team while Brian is on Sabbatical
June 14 – 20 Bible Readings:
June 21 –27 Bible Readings:
In a Nutshell: Allen Messimer will spend a few minutes sharing some of the exciting ministry opportunities God has been opening up over the last couple of years, the English clubs in schools and the English video listening series. We have a 4 minute video that goes along with this. Then transition to our purpose of making disciples who in turn make disciples. I will go into what it means to be a disciple, one who follows God's commands. Sometimes it is easy to nurture our own personal relationship with God. We enjoy reading the Bible, we enjoy worship, we enjoy meeting with other Christians. But when he tells us to go and make disciples, do we even know what that means? And are we brave enough to actually do it, to actually obey?
Title: Allen Messimer, missionary to Taiwan is preaching
Texts: Luke 5:1-11, 1 John 5:2-4, Luke 9:57-62
Online Resources:
- The Messimers
- Father's Day History
- Project Joshua - Taiwan