5/20 - "Victories & Failures in Numbers- What’s the difference?" Numbers 21 UncategorizeddougdelpMay 17, 2012
4/29 CARE Sheet "Leadership in These Last Days" 1 Tim. 3:1-19 ; 2 Tim. 3:1-9 UncategorizeddougdelpApril 25, 2012
3/18 CARE Sheet - "Pass It On!" sermon 7 of 8; "Husband & Wife Teams" - Priscilla & Aquila," Acts 18 UncategorizeddougdelpMarch 14, 2012
3/11 CARE Sheet - "Pass It On!" sermon 6 of 8; "We Are Family" Acts 2 UncategorizeddougdelpMarch 7, 2012
3/4 CARE Sheet - "Pass It On!" sermon 5 of 8; "The Faith of a Mom & Grandma (The role of a surrogate father – Paul)" Acts 16:1-5; 2 Tim. 1:3-14 UncategorizeddougdelpMarch 1, 2012
2/26 CARE Sheet - "Pass It On!" sermon 4 of 8; "Holy Defiance?" Acts 4:1-31(vs. 19); 5:17-42 (vs.29); Acts 22:30 – 23:11 (23:5) ; UncategorizeddougdelpFebruary 22, 2012
2/19 CARE Sheet - "Pass It On!" series 3 of 8; "Prayer Meetings at Home" Acts 12:1-19 UncategorizeddougdelpFebruary 16, 2012
2/5 CARE Sheet - "Pass It On!" series 1 of 8; “From Saul to Paul" Acts 9:1-25; 16:16-34 UncategorizeddougdelpJanuary 26, 2012
1/29 CARE Sheet - "Count on Me!" series 5 of 5; “You CAN Count on Me! Mark 14 & John 21 UncategorizeddougdelpJanuary 26, 2012
1/15 CARE Sheet - "Count on Me!" series 3 of 5; “Counting on People that Count Others” 3:13-19 & 6:1-13 UncategorizeddougdelpJanuary 12, 2012