4/29 CARE Sheet "Leadership in These Last Days" 1 Tim. 3:1-19 ; 2 Tim. 3:1-9

Title: "Leadership in These Last Days'"

In a Nutshell: Leaders are a dime a dozen.  There are always people ready to follow somebody that acts like they know what they are doing.  But good leaders are hard to come by.  Good leaders lead people to good places, to do good things, for good reasons.

Ice Breaker: When was the last time you were following someone and then realized you were going somewhere you didn't want to go?

Texts: 1 Tim. 3:1-16 ; 2 Tim. 3:1-9


  1. Why might being an "overseer" be called a "noble" task?
  2. What are the characteristics of a good "overseer"? A good Deacon?  What is the difference in the characteristics between the two roles? 1 Tim. 3:1-14
  3. What do you see as a natural result in a man's leadership if he lacks each of those characteristics? (Consider each characteristic and the practical result of each individual characteristic's lacking)
  4. Discuss the point of 1 Tim. 3:5 along with the implications of that principle in choosing a good leader for the church?
  5. What is the solution to the problem of there not being any perfect Elders or Deacons?
  6. Should any or all of the characteristics be regarded on a "current lifestyle" basis or "ever a part of their lifestyle" basis?
  7. What are the characteristics of people that are not self-controlled, Spirit-led, obedient as Christians? 2 Tim. 3:1-5
  8. What happens if you put people without self control and spiritually disobedient in a position of leadership? 2 Tim. 3:5-9
  9. Who were  Jannes and Jambres?
  10. Is there a clear Biblical line of authority establishing the Elders as the final human spiritual authority in the church?  What do you do if you are biblically convinced the Elders are wrong? Eldership Who Determines Essentials


  1. One individual recently said, "I'm reluctant to trust myself to the spiritual leadership of any man that hasn't successfully survived a mid-life crisis." Do you see this quote as wisdom or foolishness & why?
  2. How legalistic should these leadership qualities be upheld when recruiting Elders and Deacons? A Good Leader Looks Like...
  3. How can a person identify a person with authority issues?  IDENTIFYING A PERSON WITH AUTHORITY ISSUES


  1. How is a church protected from weak leadership even when the Elders and Deacons that are in leadership are not perfect? (Check this article out for ideas)
  2. Discuss the following statement as to it's accuracy and implications: "There is no greater danger for a church than to have a man in authority that cannot identify, respect, or submit to the authorities over them."


  1. What does this study impress on you?  a) I need to have a greater respect for our Elders & Deacons.  b) I believe God is leaning on me to consider becoming an Elder or Deacon.  c) I need to take more seriously God's call on my life to be an Elder or Deacon.