5/6 CARE Sheet "Who's In Charge" Numbers 11 & 12
Series Theme: May's Book of the Month and Sermon series: Numbers, “The Greatest Battles: Our Worst Losses, Our Biggest Victories.” The book of Numbers is filled with stories that take place between two censuses. One census at the beginning of the 40 year wilderness wandering, and the other census at the end. Some stories are of faith, faithfulness, and victory. Some are of faithlessness, fear and failure. All of them are about God's people making choices to either trust and obey, or doubt and run. Today, the faces have changed, the names are different, but the stories are basically the same!
Title: “Who’s In Charge?”
Texts: Numbers 11 & 12; He. 13:7,17; 1 Tim 5:19-20; 1 Thess. 5:12-13; Titus 1:5
In a Nutshell: Individuals of faith, imperfect as they are, understand themselves to be called by God to be in charge of a greater cause than themselves, or even their followers. Their success as a leader is dependent exclusively upon their faith and obedience to God. In contrast, the followers’ success depends upon their submission to the leaders AND their leader’s submission to God.
Ice Breaker: Looking back over your life time, what characteristics or circumstances has caused you to respect the persons you find most easy to follow?
- What initiated the challenges to Moses’ authority? 11:1,2-15; 12:1-3;
- How did Moses react to those Challenges? 11:10-15; 12:3-5
- How did God react to those challenging Moses’ authority? 11:1,16-34; 12:4-14
- What does the New Testament say about who is the human authority over the church? Heb. 13:7,17; 1 Thess. 5:12,13;
- From what sources do human leaders in the church find their authority? Titus 1:9 Acts 20:17,28
- What wise actions by God secured greater influence over his people when single leaders are being challenged? Num. 11:16-17; Titus 1:5
- How are God’s people to regard those called to lead in the church? Titus 2:15-3:2; 1 Tim. 5:17
- How are Elders thought to be wrong to be treated? 1 Tim. 5:19,20
- To what various types of “delegated authority” must you submit?
- To what type of authority do you find it most difficult to submit?
- How has the “individualistic” mindset of today’s culture affected the concept of authority in the church?
- What is the “chain of delegated authority” in this Church? At your work? In our Country?
- How does God view human’s that presume more authority than He gives them? (see Num. 11:1,10;12:2,9-14;
- From where does the contemporary concept of a church “Pastor” come?