3/4 CARE Sheet - "Pass It On!" sermon 5 of 8; "The Faith of a Mom & Grandma (The role of a surrogate father – Paul)" Acts 16:1-5; 2 Tim. 1:3-14
Key Texts: Acts 16:1-5; 2 Timothy 1:3-14 IN A NUTSHELL – Young men and women effective in the ministry of the church are good at “passing on” their faith. They can come from all kinds of backgrounds. But some key elements that are common tend to be a heritage of respect for God’s word, which is modeled by Godly women and impressed upon by Godly men. God’s plan has always been for it to be a Mom and a Dad, but He will use substitutes.
What man and woman was most effective at encouraging your spiritual walk in life? What characteristic (good or bad) is most memorable about your Mom as a young person? What was most memorable about your Dad?
- How did Paul meet Timothy? (Check out some background information)
- What was Timothy’s reputation and over how widespread of a geographical area was he known?
- Why did it seem important to Paul to have Timothy circumcised?
- Taking seriously Paul’s concern about Timothy’s diverse spiritual background what does 2 Cor. 6:14-16?
- What did Paul note that Timothy’s mother and grandmother brought to him in his upbringing?
- What was Paul concerned that Timothy needed to remained focused on in his career as a Christian leader?
- What kind of “spirits” did Paul say God did and didn’t give?
- Why do you think Paul addressed the issue of Timothy not being ashamed of him as a prisoner?
- Using Paul’s word “entrusted” can you think of some spiritual gift, ability or challenge that a Godly person has hoped to instill in you so you can instill it yet in others?
- Who are your spiritual “parents” and “grandparents?” Have you identified what they have helped to instill in you? Have you thanked them?
- Who are your spiritual “children” and “grandchildren?” What are things they need and you should instill in them?
- How might the Holy Spirit help guard a legacy given to you and needing to be passed on?
- Check out David Blankenhorn's perspective on "Why we need Fathers" and a fast growing Men's movement called M.A.D. Dads.
- How might the church help single mothers and/or children of spiritually divided homes?
- How might the church help prevent the problem of single parent and spiritually divided homes?
NEXT WEEK – “We are Family” – Brian Sevits preaching