2/26 CARE Sheet - "Pass It On!" sermon 4 of 8; "Holy Defiance?" Acts 4:1-31(vs. 19); 5:17-42 (vs.29); Acts 22:30 – 23:11 (23:5) ;

Texts: Acts 4:1-31(vs. 19); 5:17-42 (vs.29); Acts 22:30 – 23:11 (23:5); Rom. 13:1-7; Matt. 26:62-64; Heb. 1:3; 11:23; 12:9; 13:17; Dan. 3:16-30, 6:10-28, 7:13-14;  Ex. 1:17; 2 Chr. 26:16-20;  1 Cor. 15:24-28, 16:15-16; Eph. 5:21,22, 6:1; 1 Pe. 2:13,18; 2 Pe. 1:20-21; 2 Tim. 3:16; Ja. 2:8 IN A NUTSHELL – What does road rage, a good night’s sleep, church splits, Fortune 500 businesses, family reunions, school shootings, and political campaign promises all have in common?  Respect for authority, or the lack thereof.  Is there  such thing as Holy defiance?  Why did Jesus remain silent when told to defend himself, until the High Priest “adjured him by the Living God” to answer him?  Why did Paul acknowledge his mistake of calling the High Priest “a white washed wall”?  There is a way to address those in authority that are erring, but it seems few get it right.


  • In every contest with authority there is a message intended to be communicated, and  a method with which one attempts to communicate that message.  The message is usually always disagreeable at best, deadly at worst.  What was the message and the method:  (pick one and discuss it)
  • …of Martin Luther King’s protest?
  • …of Rosa Park’s protest?
  • …of the Kent State Vietnam protest?
  • …of the Christian Defense Coalition in the pro-life protest?
  • …of the Occupy Wall Street protests?


Read Acts 4:1-31

  1. Of what was the council trying to convince Peter and John?  (Vss. 4-7)
  2. What was the message and method of Peter and John to the Council? (vss. 8-12 especially vs. 19)
  3. What attitudes, dispositions are mentioned from those that are in conflict?

Read Acts 5:17-42

  1. Of what was the Council trying to convince the apostles? (Vss. 27-28)
  2. What was the message and method of the apostles to the Council? (especially vs.29-32)
  3. What attitudes, dispositions are mentioned from those that are in conflict?

Read Acts 21:22-23:11 (especially 23:5)

  1. Of what was the Council trying to convince the Roman Tribune about Paul? (Acts 22:22-30)
  2. What was the message and method of the Apostle Paul to the Council? (especially vs.29)
  3. What attitudes, dispositions are mentioned from those that are in conflict?
  4. How did Paul react when he found out he had called the High Priest a “whitewashed wall?”  What “authority” did Paul cite for his reaction? (Acts 23:5 & Ex. 22:28)

Read Matt. 26:50-65 – (especially vss. 63,64)

  1. What were the chief priests, scribes and elders trying to do to Jesus? (Matt.26:59-62)
  2. What was the message and method of Jesus to the Council? (especially vss.62-65)
  3. What attitudes, dispositions are mentioned from those that are in conflict?

Read Rom. 13:1-7

  1. In what various ways did the Apostles, including Paul, and Jesus submit or resist to the governing authorities and still do that which was “good”?
  2. To what ultimate authority(s) should any claim to a higher authority point? 2 Tim. 3:16; Ja. 2:8; 2 Pe. 1:20-21; Heb. 1:3; Dan. 7:13-14; 1 Cor. 15:24-28;
  3. Who are some other Bible characters that rightly disobeyed their authorities? Ex. 1:17; Esther 3:1,2;  Dan. 3:16,17; 6:13-24;


  1. What types of authorities does God expect us to submit to? Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Cor. 16:15-16; Eph. 5:21,22; 6:1,5,6; Heb. 12:9; 13:171 Pe. 2:13,18; Matt. 22:21
  2. What might be appropriate reasons for resisting those authorities?
  3. What might be appropriate and inappropriate methods/attitudes with which to resist authorities?
  4. What are key guiding principles for resisting erring authorities?  Guiding Principles for Resisting an Erring Authority
  5. Holy Defiance: a survey of professional perspectives.


  1. Who is viewed as the authority in the local Church? (Eldership and the Essentials)
  2. What is the appropriate way to resist/confront authority in the church? Gal. 2:11,14; 1 Tim. 5:19-20; Matt. 18:15-18 (also notice the end of the Eldership and the Essentials document)

NEXT WEEK – "The Faith of a Mom & Grandma" Acts 16:1-5; 2 Tim. 1:2, 5-7; 1 Cor. 4:17  How does Scripture describe Timothy?  What does that say about Timothy’s mother, grandmother, Paul and Timothy himself? 
