2/1 Super Bowl Sunday
TLCC Worship playlist:
- Matthew 5-12
- James 1-5
- Mark 2-3
- Luke 5-6
- John 5
- Exodus 27-33
In a Nutshell: Vince Lombardi said, “If Jesus were alive He would be at the Super Bowl.” Yeah, not convinced yet. Paul told Timothy, “ Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. There is certainly valuable lessons and illustrations that can come from being involved in sports.
Ice Breaker: Who is your favorite Christian athlete? What makes him/her your favorite? Who is your least favorite? Why?
Title: “Super Bowl Sunday“
Text: Hebrews 12:1; 1 Cor 9:24-27; 2 Cor. 5:10; Phil. 3:13-14; Galatians 5:7; 1 Tim. 4:7-8; 2 Tim. 2:3-7;
Some Questions to Consider:
- What Supper Bowl stories stand out to you as potential lessons in godliness and/or faith formation?
- Is there a particular player that has gotten your attention during this game? Why?
- How many different ways to you see people “celebrating”?
- Is it possible that some people are celebrating some things that aren’t particularly spiritual and yet because of the reason they are celebrating it could be a very positive lesson?
- What are some illustrations of the Apostle Paul that came from the sports arena?
- What are some valuable lessons people can learn from sports today?
- What are some warnings we should heed when getting involved in sports activities?
Online Resources:
- This week’s CARE Sheet
- "Playing Hurt!" - Super Bowl Sermon by Wayne Smith
- Dating the Apostle Paul to the Isthmian Games
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia – for searching topics
- Naves Topical Bible Index - for searching topics
Next Weeks’ Bible Readings:
- Luke 7-11
- Mark 4-5
- Exodus 34-40
- Leviticus 1-9
2015 Bible Reading Plan & Journal: Once again we have journals available for you to utilize while reading/praying. We are including in today’s bulletin C.C.C.B.’s Bible reading plan. You may pick up a brochure of the reading plan at the church or go download the brochure here: 2015 Reading Plan brochure (1)