1/25 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

Slide1 TLCC Worship playlist:

 One of the newer songs we're doing this week is "Boldly I Approach."  Its subtitle is "The Art of Celebration."  As we're moving through this series about celebration, it's a great song to make us think about what should really move us to the point of true joy and celebration in our lives.

January 18- 24 Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:  Applying the Scriptures appropriately as we decide what to celebrate, how and why is very difficult.  It demands that we look deeper than basic elements of the gospel “rightly dividing the word of truth.”  His word will expose “the thoughts and intentions of our heart.”  We must move past just thinking about Scripture into practicing it and following those mentors whose faith has led them to spiritual maturity.

Ice Breaker:  Pick a holiday you celebrate and discuss how the thoughts and intentions of your heart could be questionable in your celebration.

Title:  “Be thoroughly Convinced…“

Text: 2 Tim. 2:15; Heb. 4:12-13; 5:11-6:2; 13:7; Rom. 14:4-6

Some Questions to Consider:

    1. 2 Tim. 2:15: What will a “good worker” in the Kingdom be able to “rightly divide?”
    2. What result will one’s best effort tend to produce?
    3. Heb. 4:12-13: What is the word like, and able to do?
    4. What tends to influence your convictions more… a passage of Scripture? … a personal experience?...a relationship with someone that has a particular conviction
    5. If you have a moral/biblical question to which you are seeking an answer how would you go about studying the Bible to find your answer?

    Online Resources:

Next Weeks’ Bible Readings:

  • Matthew 5-12
  • James 1-5
  • Mark 2-3
  • Luke 5-6
  • John 5
  • Exodus 27-33

2015 Bible Reading Plan & Journal: Once again we have journals available  for you to utilize while reading/praying. We are including in today’s bulletin C.C.C.B.’s Bible reading plan.  You may pick up a brochure of the reading plan at the church or go download the brochure here: 2015 Reading Plan brochure (1)
