2/8 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship
TLCC Worship playlist:
- Luke 7-11
- Mark 4-5
- Exodus 34-40
- Leviticus 1-9
In a Nutshell: There are a lot of things said about “love” and done in the name of “love.” But Scripture says the love that completes us, casts out all fear and is “perfected with us” enables us to “have confidence for the day of judgment” starts with God. Any good thing you do to or for anyone that is motivated by anything other than gratitude is tainted. Sometimes the only gratitude we can find to love others is that God loved us first. But when you really believe that, it is enough!
Ice Breaker: Without naming names, who has been the hardest person for you to love? How do you manage that relationship?
Title: “Valentines Day“
Text: 1 John 4:7-21; Galatians 5:22-23; 1 Corinthians 13:1-3
Some Questions to Consider:
- What phrases found in 1 John 4:7-21 would you say are most appealing to today’s culture? Which ones are least appealing? Why?
- What are some most extreme actions that one can do without love and thus without benefit spiritually? 1 Cor. 13:1-3
- Do you have confidence in your spiritual walk and your anticipation of judgment day?
- Do you recall a person that thought they were expressing love toward you, but to you they sounded like a “clanging symbol?”
Online Resources:
- This week’s CARE Sheet CARE Sheet 2-2-15
- Valentines Day History
- An article in support of Christians celebrating Valentines Day
- An article in opposition to Christians celebrating Valentines Day
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia – for searching topics
- Naves Topical Bible Index - for searching topics
- The Test of Love - Resolving Conflict with Scripture
- Toxic Charity - a book about benevolence that destroys those we try to help.
Next Weeks’ Bible Readings:
- Matthew 18-19;
- Mark 10;
- Luke 12-14;
- John 9-11;
- Leviticus 23-27;
- Psalms 1-9
2015 Bible Reading Plan & Journal: Once again we have journals available for you to utilize while reading/praying. We are including in today’s bulletin C.C.C.B.’s Bible reading plan. You may pick up a brochure of the reading plan at the church or go download the brochure here: 2015 Reading Plan brochure (1)