12/21 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship
Today’s Chronological Bible Reading: (today)
This Sunday’s Song List: TLCC Worship
This Week’s Readings:
- Dec 15 Col 1‐4, Phm 1
- Dec 16 Eph 1‐6
- Dec 17 Phil 1‐4
- Dec 18 1 Tim 1‐6
- Dec 19 Titus 1‐3
- Dec 20 1 Pet 1‐5
- Dec 21 (Sunday) Heb 1‐6
In a Nutshell:
We need to look past the surface and examine meaning and motives.
Ice Breaker:
What is something you have done that could be taken one way, but you meant it another way? or What is the best symbol of your love for God? for others?
Title: “Fix your eyes on Jesus”
Texts: Col. 3:2; 2 Cor. 4:18; James 1:17; 2 Kings 6; Matt. 4
- Think about the meaning and significance of Christmas.
- What does the perfect gift look like??
- Which of the three temptations do you tend to get caught up in? (1. Comfort/Pleasure 2. Attention/Popularity 3. Power/Control)
- How does focusing on Jesus help you enjoy the gifts of those three without abusing them?
- When you unwrap your gifts this week, take time to appreciate the love and relationship the gift represents.
- Where do you see God at work in "unseen" ways at TLCC?
- What would change about your life if you walked with the confidence of Elisha in Dothan?
- What excites you about what God is doing at TLCC?
- In what ways would you like to be involved in helping others see God at work?
Next Week’s Readings: