7/20 "RENEWAL"

Prepare the Heart for Worship! 

Wordle for Renewal Series         Today's Chronological Bible Reading: (today)

Scriptures to read for Sunday:  Isaiah 11:1-5; 6-9 & Revelation 1:9-16;17-20


A few questions to consider: 

  1. In the Isaiah and Revelation passages how is Jesus described similarly? Is.11:1-5 & Rev. 1:9-16  Described differently?  How do the visual descriptions of one passage support the verbal descriptions of the other?
  2. What are the results of Jesus' presence in each passage?  Is. 11:6-9 & Rev. 1:17-20
  3. In what ways would you like God to renew your heart and mind? (take some time... write this prayer out)

From Brian on Worship:

I'm excited to join our voices together this coming Sunday, and here are the songs we'll be using.  One new one you might check out is "How Majestic" (Kari Jobe).  David Fincher introduced it to us last month, and we'll continue to learn it together!

Check out our Spotify playlist here: July 20 2014
  • Glorified (Jared Anderson)
  • Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King (Gateway Worship)
  • Beautiful Things (Gungor)
  • Cornerstone (Hillsong)
  • How Majestic (Kari Jobe)

 We are looking forward to Sunday: (from TLCC ministers) This Week's Readings:

Online Resources:

Next Week's Readings:

