4/14 "The Children of Promise" Galatians 4 (especially verse 19)

good news bad news graphic IN A NUTSHELL: Paul as an Apostle to the Gentiles continually struggled with "The Circumcision Group" coming in and teaching the Law of Moses as first importance over the grace of God as revealed through Christ.  Human nature is to try to earn righteousness, but that also deceives us into a self destructive cycle of self-dependence, could also be called slavery to our deceived passions of our flesh. The Good News can not be truly embraced until we have properly comprehended the Bad News. Our flesh lies to us! Once understood you will not want to go back to the "Bad News."

ICE BREAKER: What would be the difference between being the employee of a business owner and the son (heir) of a business?

TEXT: Galatians 4 (vs.19)


  1.  What happens when we become "sons" of God rather than "slaves? (Ga. 4:6.7)
  2.  How much of a difference is it to move from "not knowing God" to being "known by Him"?  (Ga. 4:8,9)
  3. What are the "elementary principles of the world" as described by Paul? (Ga. 4:4,5; 9,10; )
  4. What did Paul say could become an allegory of living out "good news" in your Christian life?  (Ga. 4:21-31)


  1.  What are "elementary principles" in your religious world that you feel obligated to do?
  2. How might you view your faith (religious priorities) differently if it were based upon a relationship rather than a list of rules? 


  1.  Can you list some things our church puts as a priority that emphasizes "elementary principles" which might be misunderstood and feel like some level of "enslavement"?
  2. Does that mean we should change the activity/priority, or is it more important to address the attitude of the worshiper?

CARE Sheet Resources:

NEXT WEEK: Title: “Gospels that Aren't Good News" Text: Galatians 1,2 Questions:  What are some religious beliefs, traditions that do not help us come closer to God?  Talk with your kids about church activities, faith developmnet and spiritual disciplines.  What do they enjoy?  What do they dread? How should we address those questions?
