4/7/13 The Power of Psalms

b_spring-flowers-in-snow Title: “The Power of Psalms” Texts: Psalm 142; 33; 13; Galatians 6:7-9

In a Nutshell: A Psalm of Lament provides a literary expression for crisis, hurt, grief, or despair. Its purpose is to move a worshipper from hurt to joy, from darkness to light, from desperation to hope. This movement from hurt to joy may be psychological or spiritual. It isn't necessarily a physical deliverance from the crisis, although that is often anticipated. This Sunday we learn from Scripture to face a loving God that doesn't take away our hurts but rather shares them with us, and teaches us how to overcome them.

Ice Breaker: What is the most notable memorial monument or stone you have ever seen? What made it so memorable?

CONNECTING WITH THE TEXTS: 1. Read Psalm 142 2. When was and why was Psalm 142 written? 3. What was David’s circumstance surrounding Psalm 142?  1 Sam. 22 4. What would have been David’s enemies? 5. Describe in a sentence the demeanor of Psalm 33 6. Describe in a sentence the point of Psalm 33 7. Would you say David has to look for reasons to be discouraged while writing Psalm 13? 8. Would you say David has to look for reasons to rejoice while writing Psalm 13? What reasons does David mention? 9. Read Galatians 6:7-9: How might people think they are mocking God while having no regard for the righteous? What does Paul say we must do?

REFLECTING ON YOUR LIFE: 1. Do you remember a time in your life when you feel God has forgotten you? For a really long time? 2. In what way can you say God’s love is “unfailing” even when unrighteousness seems to prevail?

CONNECTING WITH YOUR CHURCH: 1. When some people in church seem to lose everything that seems most important how can the church rejoice? 2. When people that live carelessly and selphishly seem to prevail, how can Christians rejoice?

CARE Sheet Resources:

NEXT WEEK: Title: “Good News, Bad News – which do you want first?” Text: Galatians Parents with your children: Read Galatians one chapter a day with your children. See if they can draw a picture of something meaningful from each chapter.
