A church on the move needs leaders networking!
This past C.G. Train Station was a training segment on how to have "Crucial Conversations" Here is the outline with the blanks filled!
Go here to upload the CARE Group/Bible Fellowship Policy & Procedure Manual
Go here to upload the Adult Ministry Manual.
- Class on Synergy Milestones
- Look at this! 50 ideas for Connection in a Disconnected Age [Kindle Edition]
- Making the Community Service mindset a priority to your CARE Group is described in M. Scott Boren's book "Missional Small Groups."
- The overall best current book for this topic may be Rick Rusaw's book "The Externally Focused Church".
- Another good book: Emergency Response Handbook
- A good mini-book series: BOZ series
- Good Resources: www.smallgroups.com
Our priorities will be to discuss current shepherding needs, 2013 Fall/2014 Winter activities.
Do you want to help host or lead a CARE group?
- Are you a member of TLCC?
- Have you attended any CARE group leader training?
- The next training/planning sessions are Wednesday evenings, 8/21 & 28, 6:30 - 7:30 pm, in room 405. Coming to both is preferred, at least one is important.
- Are you aware of, and can you support the information in the CARE Group Manual 2011?
- Have you reviewed the tlcc doctrinal affirmation statement for teachers FINAL file?
- Have you filled out a Volunteer Ministry Leader Application?
- Have you authorized the office to administer a Background Check?
- Do you have a Co-Leader or Host that has agreed to work with you?
Check out our Insurance Company's Resources/Reminders for Small Group Leaders (Brotherhood Mutual)
Other Adult Studies at T.L.C.C. on Wednesday Nights 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. (starting 9/4/12)
- Ladies Ministry meets in(Rooms 402/3)
- The Resolution Study for couples (Rooms 406)
- Synergy = Family + Church “Milestones Study” (Room 405)
- Divorce Recovery CARE Group (Room 401)
- College age and Men’s study on Leadership by Ben Williams (Room 404)
As always, keep passing on to me (ddelp@timberlakechristian.org) any ideas you have on making the Sermon Based CARE Group more efficient for you and effective for everyone.
Support for the Sermon Based lessons will be provided via this Blog. Each Sunday in the bulletin is a QR code which when "scanned" by a smart phone will open to that Sunday's lesson.
The CARE Group Leader Train Station is a monthly support group for all CARE group Leaders and Hosts. Adult Bible Fellowship Leaders are welcome to join us as well. This can be a very resourceful time for our Shepherding process. Anyone interested in being a CARE Group Leader or Host is invited as well.
Consider these benefits of the Sermon Based C.A.R.E. Groups: Seven Advantages of Sermon-Based Small Groups
Since June of 2011 Dale Samp and I (Doug) have been meeting approximately once a month with CARE group leaders (past, present, future) which are interested in growing effective C.A.R.E. Groups. These meetings are designed more as a support group style than lecture/training. Resources will be made available. Questions, new ideas and discussion will be encouraged! Our goal is to have 10 Bible Based CARE groups this fall. Attending these sessions will not commit anyone to a leader role. Curious onlookers are welcomed!