Synergy Milestones Promo Page: New Synergy Promo 2016 (last updated 1.23.16)

A class offered to the public at T.L.C.C. on Sunday mornings 9am this summer (2016)

We intend to bring Bible content, internet and book resources to anyone (couples or individuals) interested in strengthening their family in Christ.  You may choose to attend the two sessions for an individual milestone.  These sessions are one way T.L.C.C. attempts to equip families to raise children that progressively own their faith and develop as responsible adults with a Christian worldview.  Our hope is that when you are a Sr. adult you will look back on life with confidence, joy and fewer regrets.

WHO is invited:  The public is invited targeting young families that will likely feel anxious about raising their children in a biblical manner.

WHO is teaching/leader:  Cheryl Botkins will facilitate the study integrating video presentations, guest speakers and discussion oriented Bible studies.  The Biblical foundations of each Milestone will be introduced first and then guest speakers from our church and community will follow up with personal perspectives and practical suggestions.  

 WHY this class:  To provide interested families resources and understanding regarding questions they have about raising up Godly children.

WHERE: in classroom 404 at T.L.C.C.

Discipleship Assessment Postcard Discipleship Assessment

Learn About Each Milestone

Synergy Newsletter: October 14

This class will focus on family dynamics and the church to equip and guide parents and others in raising their family in biblical truth.  What does a Christian household really look like?  Is my family spiritually healthy?  What resources are available through T.L.C.C. and the community?  Each milestone in raising a child is different and the culture we live in provides challenges that we must be aware of in order to properly model, mentor, and mirror Christ-like lives to our children and others around us.  Please join us on Sunday mornings as we cover five milestones that embrace every stage and age of spiritual growth and help you answer these questions.  (Coming to individual sessions that apply to your family situation is welcomed.)

Synergy Milestones Promo Page: New Synergy Promo (4) (last updated 8.4.15)

Discipleship Assessment Postcard Discipleship Assessment 2015

Synergy Milestones PowerPoint Presentation: Synergy New Milestones #1 – #5 (last updated 10.6.14)

Synergy Milestones Study Sheets:Synergy Milestone study Sheets 10.6.14 (DD) (last updated 8.4.15)

Synergy Videos:

A milestone is an age or level of maturity in lives that can and should be celebrated with spiritual preparation and achievement. Our goal is to provide parents a clear view of tools through which they can be assured that they are discipling their kids through these milestones into Christ.  The goal is that the family and the church are perceived as working together and certainly not against each other.


  1. Discipleship   (click to see our Pinterest page of resources)
    1. Rom. 10:17; Heb. 5:11-6:3; 9:14; 2 Pet. 1:5-11; 1 Cor. 8:12; 1 Tim. 4:2
    2. • Your children can not commit to that which you and they have not _thought_ through, seen _modeled_and _practiced_.
      • Basics first, then _practice_, teach more and _discern_.
      • Embrace the _conscience_, _consequences_ and _grace_.
      •  _Comprehension_, transformation, _commitment_ and then progressive _growth_.
  2. Early Years  (click to see our Pinterest page of resources)
    1. Ps. 73; Mat. 19:13,14 ; Jer. 1:5 ; Pr. 13:24 ; Pr. 22:9; Ps. 127:3-5; Ps. 139:13-16
    2. • Children are a _gift_from God not a “_product_” of two people’s love.
      • Parents are to be teachers and _models_ of _responsibility_ not _friends_ to their children.
      • Consistency and discipline _early_ based on _wisdom_ from God and advice from other successful parents promotes balance & peace.
  3. Teens  (click to see our Pinterest page of resources)
    1. Lk. 2:41-50Eph. 6:4Col. 3:21Pr. 14:1223:13-14Jer. 29:111 Kgs. 1:61 Sam. 3:13-14 ; 1 Jn. 1:9
    2. • It is natural for youth to begin seeking their own _purpose_and writing their own _stories_.
      • Discipline without exasperation is dependent on _attention_, _consistency_ and _integrity_ from the parents.
      •  Using consequences rather than punishment to define behaviors provides a balanced perspective of _fear_, _hope_, _repentance_ & _forgiveness_.
    4. Teen Resources: #3 Teen Info (1)
  4. Supporting Adulthood  (click to see our Pinterest page of resources)
    1. 1 Thess. 5:21; 2 Cor. 13:1Mt. 26:31-45Jn. 21:14-17Mt. 25:14-30Mk. 1:35-38;Jas. 2:14-171 Cor. 6:12Eccl. 4:12Heb. 5:11-14Lk. 6:46-481 Jn. 4:1
    2. _Sabbath_, stewardship, _balance_, priorities, _networks_ and action provide our greatest tools as productive adults.  Understanding _accountability, practicing _discernment_ and embracing spiritual _authority_ will assure success.
  5. Legacy  (click to see our Pinterest page of resources)
    1. Eccl. 3:1-11; Gal. 6:9Titus 2:2-4Eccl. 12Mk. 8:36
      • The different _seasons_ have their _challenges_and _opportunities_. Learn them and make the most of them!
      • God will provide fruit for those who _trust_ & _obey_.
      • Re-establishing _priorities_ and teaching others revive _purpose_ .
      • Maturity is the art of _giving_ _up_ that which we want most to receive that which we _need_ most.

Service Project Idea Resources:

  1. TLCC Pinterest Page “Community Service Project Ideas
  2. Big Book of Service Projects by Gospel Light
  3. The Busy Family’s Guide to Volunteering: Jenny Friedman
  4. Family Friendly Volunteering
  5. Family Service Project Ideas

Video your family/CARE group working on the service project and edit it to one of the following songs and we may show it at one of the future Sunday services.

  1. Kings & Queens by Audio Adrenaline
  2. Heart to God, Hand to Man by Jeff Moore and the Distance
  3. Courageous by Casting Crowns