Resolution Graduation #3 February 12, 2014! (four more couples to sign their resolutions)
New more detailed news regarding Christians and divorce!
The Resolution for Men (to buy the book) Facebook page
The Resolution for Women (to buy the book)Facebook page
or contact the CCCB bookstore.
Casting Crowns song “Courageous“
T.L.C.C. Pinterest Board For Christian Men
T.L.C.C. Pinterest Board For Christian Women
Great Article! “10 Secrets You Should Know about Marriage“- Relevant Magazine
Study Purpose: To create a study/discussion experience of biblical principles among husband and wife couples as described in the books: The Resolution for Men & The Resolution for Women. Ultimately I am hoping these couples will produce some couples willing to mentor pre-marriage counseling couples.
Study Scope:
Time – Wednesday nights 6:30 -8:00 pm during the regular Wednesday night study at church.
Materials – Men purchase read, discuss and practice the biblical principles in the book, The Resolution for Men
Women purchase read, discuss and practice the biblical principle in the book, The Resolution for Women
Outline of Study
- 9/11 – “ALL” (Everyone meets together), Introduction to the series in rooms 405 & 406
- 9/18 – ”C” (Couple study) Chapters 1&2 Read the chapters, discuss the Scriptures and the provided questions as a couple
- 9/25 – “ALL” Chapters 1&2 Read the chapters, discuss the Scriptures and the provided questions as men and women separated into the two groups.
- 10/2 – ”C” Chapters 3&4
- 10/9 – ”ALL” Chapters 3&4Read the chapters, discuss the Scriptures and the provided questions as a group
- 10/16 – ”C” Chapters 5&6
- 10/23 – “ALL” Chapters 5&6
- 10/30 – ”C” Chapters 7&8 Resolution Study chs 7&8
- 11/6 – ”ALL” Chapters 7&8
- 11/13 “C” Chapters 9-11 Resolution Study chs 9 – 11
- 11/20 – ”ALL” Chapters 9-11
- 12/4 – “C” Chapters 12-13 Resolution Study Ch 12 & 13
- 12/11 – “ALL” Christmas Party
- 1/8 – Courageous the Movie (on your own, not at church) “C” Chapters 12-13
- 1/15 – ”ALL” Chapters 12-13
- 1/22 – ”C” Chapters 14 &15 Both husbands and wives discuss Men’s chapters 14 & 15 Resolution Study Ch 14 & 15
- 1/29 – “ALL” Chapters 14&15 Both husbands and wives discuss Men’s chapters 14 & 15
- 2/5 – “C” Review the Resolutions – pray for each other, discuss another couple with which you might consider going through next year’s study.
- 2/12 – “ALL” Valentines Night
Bookmark Resolution Study January
Sunday 2/17 – The Resolution Signing during the Sunday school Hour (Testimonies – Older Couples praying for younger Couples)
General Reflection Questions
Considering the information that was presented in this chapter…
1) Was there anything that made you go ‘aha’? What was it?
2) What is a strength that you learned about yourself?
3) What is an area that you need to work on to develop your relationship with God?
4) What did you learn from this chapter that will help you strengthen your relationship with your husband/wife?
5) How will this information help you become a better parent?
6) What did you learn about the character of God?
Specific Chapter Questions
Questions unique to each chapter are at the end of each chapter in the Women’s book and at the end of the book in the Men’s book.
Resolution for Men questions Resolution for Men
Resolution for Women (Chapter titles – questions at the end of each section)Resolution for Women
Part I
1. Surprisingly Satisfied
2. Purposefully Feminine
3. Authentically Me
4. Faithfully His
Part II – This is What I Have
5. My Best
6. My Blessing
7. My Forgiveness
8. My Integrity
9. My Heart
Part III – This is What Matters to Me
10. Fulfilling My Husband
11. Loving My Children
12. Living with Grace
13. Leaving a Godly Legacy
Resolution for Men (Chapter titles – discussion questions for each chapter pg. 251)
Part I – A Call to Men
1. Why We Need Men of Resolution
2. A Lifelong Vision of Fatherhood
3. Becoming a Chain Breaker
Part II – Committing to the Resolution
4. Resolve to Be a Man of Responsibility
5. Resolve to Lead Your Family
6. Resolve Love Your Wife
7. Resolve to Bless Your Children
8. Resolve to Live with Honor
9. Resolve to Fight for Justice
10. Resolve to Demonstrate Love
11. Resolve to Provide for Your Family
12. Resolve to Reconcile with Your Past
13. Resolve to Live with Integrity
14. Resolve to Be Found Faithful
15. Resolve to Leave a Legacy