Prayer Lists

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
— I Timothy 2:1-2

\Encourager’s Prayer bookmark

Presidential Prayer Team Website

Intercessors for America

Operation World Prayer Guide

Praying Scriptures for Our Missionaries – Praying Scriptures for Our Missionaries

Pastoral Priorities and Principles:

  1. Call and leave a message or email the church office with any messages we can pass on to our church family as a prayer request.  (We require direct family permission to pass on a prayer request)
  2. Call and leave a message or email the church office if you have any  specific times or details regarding a need for any of our ministers or church leaders to pray or attend.  (Let us know how we can help – based on diverse expectations among people we make no assumptions.  We need to know your preferences for help)
  3. Please call or email the church office whenever you hear of someone going into the hospital, having surgery, or a death in the family.  With enough notification we may be able to visit them and would like to promote cards with address notifications.

TLCC’s Prayer List –

TLCC’s Facebook page –

TLCC’s Prayer Labyrinth Labyrinth Brochure 9-20

TLCC Leadership

TLCC Coming Events

Getting Started Prayer Bookmark – Prayer bookmark

Prayer for Healing bookmark

Healing Scriptures

Hospital Ministry Scriptures and Guidelines

Pre- Marriage Counseling

Wedding Application for TLCC

When Someone is Sick…Healing Scriptures and Prayer

Pastoral Calls Bookmark Bookmark Pastoral Calls

When the Elders Are Called to Pray for Healing


Praying the Scriptures

Shut-in Communion Ministry Outline Shut-in Communion

Scriptures Concerning the Poor – Scriptures concerning poor (2)

TLCC Membership Directory