Road Trip Sermon Series Geocache Suggestions:
11/10 “Crossing the Tracks” – Paige Liberty Park in Fayette MO
12/1 “What do You Really Want?” – K105.5 in Moberly MO
12/22 “The REAL Christmas Tree… was cut down” – “A Real Tree Cut Down” is a Geocache to be published on our church’s property near the pavilion. Our goal is to introduce TLCC, Jesus and the gospel to a group of people that travel the world using their gps to find experiential treasure. For those that find this geocache they will learn about our church’s purpose in Jesus Christ, will be directed to this Sunday’s Christmas sermon and be offered a tootsie roll! Keep watching for “A Real Tree Cut Down”
Our Geocaching experience began on top of a mountain in Colorado. Lydia was with us on vacation.
We were driving over a mountain pass nearEstes Park when she said, ”We have to pull over here and climb that mountain.” So we did. She drug us (refused to let us turn around) to the top, bent over picked up a PCV pipe and opened it. “What is that? What are you doing?” was my response. ”Welcome to Geocaching!” A big, really big global treasure hunt for people with smart phones! By “really big” I mean over 2 million treasures to find from Byrd Surface Camp Antartica to Rothwell Park Moberly MO. There are rules to this game, and you should know right up front that the “treasure” is the experience, there is no gold or monetary value being sought.
Kids of all ages love the adventure of the search, and the excitement of the find. November and December 2103 is TLCC’s introduction to Geocaching. The sermon series “Road Trip” was based on Luke’s traveling narrative which began in Luke 9:51. During the series we introduced topics like overcoming our prejudices to help others and getting ready for Jesus’ second coming with a contextual emphasis discovered through Geocaching. We started with the place where Jesus was when He taught and considered His point and finally set forth a practice to which we should commit. Before the series was finished our church became a Geocache host. On our property is a Geocache to be discovered by the world which tells about “The Real Christmas Tree.”