Death is the Beginning of New Life

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The human body we deal with in this life tends to be perishable, weak, natural and is ultimately laid down dishonorably. It takes effort to fight that trend of decline.  So many times the care givers are pushed into realms of helping those weak and dying deal with very "dishonorable" situations, but we do it with one eye and our hearts focused on the eternal soul. We want those suffering to consistently be reminded that this struggle is temporary, whether in this life or into eternity with God, the extreme low of dishonor our bodies may drag us through  is counter balanced eventually with an extreme high of glory with eternal bodies that will be resurrected as was Jesus'!   We must keep our eyes on the mystery of the human soul and the loving redemption that God has ultimately promised in eternity.   Our suffering is temporary.  our mission is compassion. Our future is glory! “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, or the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him” 1 Cor. 2:9
