9/18 "Whistle While You Work"


IN A NUTSHELL“Whistle While You Work” -- The Psalms are often called “God’s hymnal.”  The fact is that the Psalms are filled with much more than just hymns or praise songs to God.  Many different themes are seen in the 150 chapters. &…


“Whistle While You Work” -- The Psalms are often called “God’s hymnal.”  The fact is that the Psalms are filled with much more than just hymns or praise songs to God.  Many different themes are seen in the 150 chapters.  This Sunday, we’ll experience the singing of many Psalms or songs based on the Psalms in Scripture.  Just as it is today, it seems that music was woven into the fabric of everyday life in ancient times.  On this day of service, we’ll talk about how the Psalms are sort of like the soundtrack of life, portraying the full gamut of emotions that we experience.  And one aspect of life is work or service.  The Psalms do talk about work and service to others in the context of ethics, integrity, obedience, handling pressure, human creativity and productivity, etc.  One popular theologian says, “Work is the principal act of worship to which human beings are called.”  We’ll talk about that statement and see if we agree with it this Sunday!

TEXTS – What do each of these Psalms say about work, service, or unity (working together)?

·        Psalm 1 – personal integrity

·        Psalm 4 – workplace conflict

·        Psalm 8 & 136 – authority & use of power

·        Psalm 90 – God’s favor on our work, even when nation is out of His favor

·        Psalm 107 -- productivity

·        Psalms 127- 128 --  work grounded in God / bearing fruit  [Alex will sing Sons of Korah song]

·        Psalms 133-134  -- unity

·        Psalms 146-150 – God always gets the glory

