1/11 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship
TLCC Worship playlist:
- All the People Said Amen
- All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
- Every Praise
- Always
- None But Jesus
- In Christ Alone
January 1- 10 Bible Readings:
In a Nutshell: There are differences of opinions about celebrating holidays, special events and seasons. It is important that we dig deep in our understanding and not rely on our long embraced assumptions. Neither should we quickly judge others for having a different opinion. Celebrating things are important, even more important is the need to celebrate for the right reasons.
Ice Breaker: When did you first realize that some people refused to celebrate a holiday that you had always celebrated? How did you react? How did they react to you?
Title: “Some Prefer One Day Over Another"
Texts: Romans 14 (especially verses 4-6)
Some Questions to Consider:
- List some key guiding principles from Romans 14 to help you decide what, how and why to celebrate a special day.
- How important is it to you that you protect the conscience? What do you intentionally do to help your kids learn how to protect their conscience?
- On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate your “spiritual maturity” based on how you react toward others that have different convictions than you do?
- How should a church handle celebrations that may seem to cause contradictory convictions within it’s members?
Online Resources:
- This week's CARE Sheet CARE Sheet 1-2-15
- Introduction to Genesis
- Introduction to John
- Introduction to Hebrews
- Introduction to Colossians
- Introduction to 1 Corinthians
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - for searching topics
- Naves Topical Bible Index - for searching topics
- National _(fill in the blank) Day
- The Christian Conscience
- How Reliable is the Conscience
- Secular Educationist view of conscience
Next Weeks' Bible Readings:
- Genesis 21-43
- Genesis 44-50
- Matthew 1-2
- Luke 1-2
- Exodus 1-11
2015 Bible Reading Plan & Journal: Once again we have journals available for you to utilize while reading/praying. We are including in today’s bulletin C.C.C.B.’s Bible reading plan. You may pick up a brochure of the reading plan at the church or go download the brochure here: 2015 Reading Plan brochure (1)