11/9 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship
Today’s Chronological Bible Reading: (today)
This Week’s CARE Sheet: CARE Sheet 11-2-14
This Week’s Readings:
- Nov 3 Mark 11, John 12
- Nov 4 Matt 22, Mark 12
- Nov 5 Matt 23, Luke 20‐21
- Nov 6 Mark 13
- Nov 7 Matt 24
- Nov 8 Matt 25
- Nov 9 (Sunday) Matt 26, Mark 14
Brian: Looking forward to praising God together again this coming Sunday. You've probably noticed some new faces on stage singing and playing instruments. Last week we were pleased to welcome Walt Harper, playing acoustic guitar. Keep in mind that we're always looking to add to the list of people who participate on worship team, band, and tech volunteers. Feel free to email me (brian@timberlakechristian.org) if you are interested in being plugged into the worship ministry in some way!
This week's songs: (Playlist here: TLCC Worship )
- Majesty
- Glorified
- 10,000 Reasons
- Glory to God Forever
- He Leadeth Me
- Remembrance (The Communion Song)
- They'll Know We Are Christians
TITLE: “What's a Cross Without an Empty Tomb?”
TEXT: Matt. 26-28; Mk. 14 - 16; Lk. 22-24; Jn. 18 - 21; Rom. 6:1-4
IN A NUTSHELL: Several people watched Jesus die on the cross. Only a few realized what was happening. Some were drawn to Him because of what He taught, how He lived and even how He died; but from those that became convinced of the empty tomb there came a revolution!
A few questions to consider:
- How did the two thieves on the cross respond to Jesus on the cross?
- How did Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea respond to Jesus at His death?
- What were the various responses of the twelve disciples after Jesus resurrection? (especially, John, Peter Peter at Galilee, and Thomas)
- Do you tend to live your Christian life on the basis of guilt and conviction or new life and confidence?
- Take a few minutes to draft two lists:
- reasons you love Jesus and believe He rose from the dead
- sins you struggle with and what makes you feel guilty
- Which list was easier to make? This may reveal if you tend to focus on the cross, without the empty tomb. It’s very noble to recognize Jesus’ sacrifice. It’s revolutionary to believe in and seek to live out His resurrection!
Online Resources:
- This week’s CARE Sheet –CARE Sheet 11-2-14
- Life of Christ
- Chronology of Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection
- The transformation of the Monarch Butterfly
- "The Spirit of the Disciplines" by Dallas Willard
Next Week’s Readings:
- Nov 10 Luke 22, John 13
- Nov 11 John 14‐17
- Nov 12 Matt 27, Mark 15
- Nov 13 Luke 23, John 18‐19
- Nov 14 Matt 28, Mark 16
- Nov 15 Luke 24, John 20‐21
- Nov 16 (Sunday) Acts 1‐3