8/10 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

  Wordle for Renewal Series (1)Today’s Chronological Bible Reading: (today)

Title:  “Josiah’s Revival”

Texts:  2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chr. 34-35; Jer. 1:1-2; Rev. 2:1-7 (Ephesus)

Today's Texts:

In a Nutshell:

  1. Revival may begin in a single heart but is nurtured within a small group which becomes contagious. [relate]
  2. God reveals more once we have acted upon what we already know. [remember]
  3. God brings RENEWAL when excuses are dropped and [repentance] is embraced.
  4. What things are demanding your time, money and focus which distract you from God? text (478) 227-8522 or tweet #idolstoday

A few questions to consider: 

  1. List the positives Jesus mentioned about the Church of Ephesus? Now, what do you think about Jesus saying, “You lost your first love, repent or I will come and remove your lampstand?”
  2. A couple of weeks ago on Sunday morning I challenged each of us to list things that demand a lot of your time, finances and focus. Then to ask ourselves if those things reflect a loyalty and trust in God or stand opposed to God. Now read 2 Kings 22:16-22 and focus on both places you see “because,”  What was God going to do and why?  My point? What would God have you remove from your life, and add to your life and why?
  3. Which came first, next, last; seeking God, reading the Scriptures, purging Israel of idols, God's blessing, Israel's gratitude and joy?

 Songs for Sunday:   (playlist here:  TLCC Worship) 

  • God is Able (Hillsong)
  • Song of Hope (Robbie Seay Band)
  • The Greatness of our God (Hillsong)
  • 10,000 Reasons (Matt Redman)
  • Be Thou My Vision (Hymn arrangement by Ascend the Hill)
  • Lead Me to Calvary (Hymn arrangement)

 This Week’s Readings:

 Online Resources:

Next Week’s Readings:
