4/6 "Generational Sins"

Legacy Series Graphic Texts:Ruth 1 – 1 Sam. 20; especially – 1 Sam. 2:12-34; Deut. 5:8-10; Ezek. 18:20;  N.T.: Gal. 3:13; John8:32;  9:1-3; 1 Tim. 6:20-21;  2 Cor. 5:17; Rom. 8:1

IN A NUTSHELL:   Sin that is not confronted gets progressively worse, generationally embedded and socially accepted. It’s like the broken chair leaning against wall in the corner. To the stranger visiting it’s obviously not useful and out of place, to those that live there it goes unnoticed.

Ice Breaker: Can you describe a piece of furniture or pile of “stuff” that you have gotten use to being there, but a visitor might think is strange?


  1. Deut. 5:8-10, “those who hate me”, does that refer to the fathers only or to the fathers and the sons?  To whom does God show steadfast love?
  2. Ezek. 18:20,  who suffers for sinning and who is rewarded for righteousness?
  3. 1 Sam. 2:12-34,  What all did Eli’s sons do that was so wrong?
  4. How many times had Eli been warned about his son’s actions?
  5. What does the New Testament say about curse being passed down to other generations? Gal. 3:13; John8:32;  9:1-3; Rom. 8:1; 2 Cor. 5:17


  1. How many generations of a family normally can be directly influenced by each other?
  2. Can you identify a weakness that as an adult you can now recognize in your parents or grandparents with which you also have struggled?
  3. What habits have you tried to make sure your children have not picked up from you?


  1. How can being too familiar with Christianity, church, or a family’s faith be detrimental to a person’s personal faith?
  2. This summer while on vacation go to a church and take notes of things you notice and then come back to TLCC and take notes on what you think a visitor sees at our church.


  • http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/does-god-visit-the-sins-of-the-fathers-on-the-children
  • http://www.gotquestions.org/Hophni-and-Phinehas.html
  • http://www.relevantmagazine.com/life/whole-life/features/21350-breaking-generational-sin
  • Generational Sin


Title “Generational Blessing”

Text:  Ruth 1- 1 Sam. 20;

In a Nutshell: From Ruth to Hannah, to David’s Psalms these passages describe people in despair looking to God for vindication and strength. It is those who trust in God that find their offspring doing amazing things in God’s Kingdom.
