2/9 "Preparing for God's Presence"
Texts: - Ex 13-32, especially Ex. 31:18 - 32:35
New Testament Scriptures - 1 Tim. 2:1-15, Acts 3:18-21
- 66 Love Letters— 1 Timothy, pg. 289
- The Story— pgs. 50-59
IN A NUTSHELL: Worship is not about your comfort! It’s not about what you are familiar with. It’s not about protecting you from the government or your enemies. It all acknowledges the Maker, Provider, Redeemer and HIS glory.”
Ice Breaker: Think about a time when you were excited about worship but sensed that some others were disappointed. Was there a Scriptural reason that made you so excited or caused them disappointment?
- What had Moses been doing on the Mountain?
- How did the Israelites see things differently than Aaron when they looked at the golden calf? Ex. 32:4,5
- How did God describe the people of Israel? Ex. 32:9,10
- What did Moses ask God to do if He wouldn’t forgive the people? Ex. 32:15
- Why did Moses want to learn God’s “ways”? Ex. 33:15
- What seems so significant about God sending the angel to go before them instead of God going Himself? Ex.32:34; 33:1-6
- What did Paul say God expected from worshippers? 1 Tim. 2:1-15
- What is required in order for there to be “times of refreshing from God’s presence”? Ac. 3:18-21
- How much do you rely on familiar traditions, elements, habits to help you feel like you have worshipped?
- When did you begin to see the “love value” of rules? I.o.w. These rules help provide safe boundaries for our love to grow…
- Which is easier at church to raise hands and “feel the love” of worship or to make sure your heart is free of anger, bitterness, and pride? How are you doing with that?
- How can we adults better model for the next generation “heart and head priorities” that will help them learn how to prepare themselves for God’s presence?
Title “Confronting Sin ”
Text: Ex. 33-40 & Lev. 1-13 Especially Lev. 10:1-20, NT- Philippians 3:7-21
Questions: “What was the Old Testament means of teaching people the seriousness of sin? What is the New Testament means of teaching people the futility and tragedy of sin?
Parents with your Children: At the beginning of the week make a list of common sins with which your children and their friends struggle. Toward the end of the week go down that list and make note of the potential consequences that result from those sins. Try to find an age appropriate way to explain that God's love for us demands that He try to protect us from those consequences.