12/8 Journey to Bethlehem
In a Nutshell: Many of us have had that moment where you say something and realize in horror, "I have become my mother!" The very thing you told yourself that you would never do when you become a parent, you do. And you either repent or you realize why your parents did what they did. Some family patterns are healthy. Some aren't.
*Talk about some family patterns you experienced as a child and you have had to deal with in your adult life.
Ice-breaker: Do you have any skeletons in your family tree that you would rather others not know about? (e.g. History of insanity, related to Hitler, etc.) or What do you dread most about family reunions?
- Read through the genealogy in Luke 3 and point out those who had positive patterns of faith, as well as the sinful patterns in the family tree of Mary, Joseph & Jesus.
- In Luke 1-2 Mary is a part of a good family, a routine of a righteous family. Imagine how the miraculous pregnancy would upset everything in her world. Contrast and compare Mary and Joseph's reaction to the pregnancy.
- How is God's use of dreams and angels instrumental to helping them trust and obey God in his plan to bring salvation to mankind through His Son?
- What obstacles did Mary and Joseph have to overcome throughout the pregnancy and the journey to register for the census in Bethlehem during the ninth month?
- What promises of God did Mary and Joseph hold on to during this journey of trust and faith?
- List the signs and wonders that happened to confirm and affirm that Jesus was truly the son of God and that God was intimately involved in caring for them along the way. (Angels, shepherds, Magi with gold, dreams, escape)
- Mary & Joseph had to face their family and friends, trust God and obey Him in order to be a part of God's plan to bring salvation to all mankind. God has a plan for you as well. Are you willing to trust and obey God's call for you to be a part of bringing salvation to all mankind?
- What family and friends are you dealing with in your journey?
- What promises are you holding on to during the difficult times?
- Read Matthew 28:18-20 through the lens of Bethlehem. If your aren't on a journey of faith, reaching out to the lost, making disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to follow Jesus, then you need to get back on the road with Jesus.
- Perhaps it is simply to love your family and friends and neighbors enough to share Jesus with them. Put that on your Christmas list this year.
- Pray and determine what God is calling you to in your journey.
Title: “Who’s on Trial?”
Text: Lk. 22:66-23:25
Question: Why do you think Luke is the only Gospel writer that describes Herod's reactions to Jesus?
Parents with Your Children: When the world disrespects Jesus and the Christian traditions of Christmas would you say the world is judging Jesus or the that world is judging it'self?