9/22 "Gideon's Fears"

Patterns logoTexts:   Judges 6:1-27

In a Nutshell: The Angel of the Lord said, “The Lord is with you…”  Gideon said, “If the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us?” And the Lord turned to him and said, “Go in this might of yours and save Israel!” Gideon said, “Please, Lord, how can I save Israel?” And the Lord said, “But I will be with you…” Others may oppress us, but we are enslaved by our sins, our assumptions and our fears!  What kind of "Patterns;" relationships, decisions, convictions, celebrations, habits promote fear in your life?  promote grace in your life?

Ice Breaker: Who was “the bully” when you were young?  How did you deal with him/her?


  1. How many years… had they enjoyed peace? 5:31  had they lived in economic ruin? 6:1
  2. How had the communities reacted to the former oppression? 5:6,7  How had they reacted to this Midianite oppression? 6:2-6
  3. When the people cried out to the Lord this time what did he send them? 6:7 How is that different from what God did before? 3:15
  4. Where was Gideon when the angel came to him? 6:11  What is the irony we see played out in the angel’s conversation with Gideon in 6:10-14
  5. Who did Gideon think he was talking to?  6:13, 15,17,22
  6. How did Gideon deal with his fears? 6:1-27
  7. What do these New Testament passages tell us about fear?   2 Tim. 1:7; He. 13:6; Jn. 14:27; Mt. 10:28; Rom. 8:31-39; 1 Pe. 3:13-14; 1 Jn. 4:18; Heb. 2:14-15


  1. How can the New Testament passages listed above be lived out in your life?
  2. Were there any significant fears as a child that you have grown to overcome as an adult?
  3. Have there been any significant relationships, intentional decisions, foundational convictions, or events celebrated that have helped you overcome your fears?
  4. What false assumptions tend to drive people’s fears?


  1. How does the church affect our fears?  Does it  tend to promote fear? Help people overcome fear?
  2. How might your CARE group help you better deal with the fears that tend to drive today’s culture?

Online Resources:

  • Helping children conquer their fears
  • "Baby starts to walk" video - Look at this video like a parable.  Imagine that Gideon's trust in, and obedience to God is like the baby learning to walk.  Now imagine Mom, Dad like Heaven's reactions to Gideon's new found faith and steps of obedience. (Ask yourself, "Am I growing in my faith or paralyzed in fear?")

Next Week:

Title:  “Gideon’s Faith”

Text:  Judges 6:28-7:25

Questions: How did God help Gideon turn from fear to faith!

Parents with your children:  Experiment with some tactics for helping your children overcome fears typical for their age.  Share your successes with the Synergy Class on Wednesday night in room 405 6:30-8pm. http://www.handinhandparenting.org/article/helping-children-conquer-their-fears/
