Who has Caused the Pile Up?
Stand in the middle of a pile-up and point to the last vehicle to hit as the problem. That's what it's like for those worried about the condition of family institution to point to the Gay Lesbian debate as our nation's problem with the family. God is no more anti-homosexual than he is anti-adultery. God is no more anti-gay and lesbian than he is anti-sex out of marriage.
God is pro-marriage (PERIOD). God is pro- husbands love your wives as Jesus loved and gave himself up for the church. And wives respect your husbands as the church is to respect Jesus. It is Satan's "tweaking" of the debate that gets us focusing on the "anti" part of this arugment. When we focus on the "anti" then someone is left out and Satan wins. Especially when we focus on one element of sexual sins (homosexuality) out of many (adultery, promiscuity, pornography, selfish gratification)! We need to remember that God is pro-marriage more than anti-gay/lesbian sexuality. God wants men and women to enjoy a level of fellowship/intimacy through which life is mysteriously recreated. That is an illustration of God's love for us and his desire for our love for him. Love creates and carries goodness on to eternity. Second rate sex ignites hormones and brings selfish gratification. That's not just homosexuality! Those who have walked away from their marriage commitments and stand there with a Bible under their arms pointing at homosexuals screaming "unclean" are equally confused, condemned by Scripture and giving the Bride of Christ an necessary black eye.
Many Christians quote Lev. 20:13 in effort to communicate what God thinks about homosexuality, but ignore Lev. 20:10, and scratch their heads when they read Lev. 20:18. In the Old Testament God proscribed extreme consequences to establish activities that will build wholesome loving respect for a community being rebuilt. Remember the Israelites were coming from a culture of moral chaos but intellectually advanced. The Old Testament commandments were aimed at creating emotional, physical and spiritual health, not squelching what was fun.
Everything that taints the sacredness of marriage is wrong, anti-Scriptural and going to cause emotional, physical and spiritual loss. Satan is always happy to encourage us to "follow" our heart and "trust" our feelings. That was his first pattern of attack and tried to get it to work on Jesus as well. (Gen.3:1-7; Jer. 17:9)
Today's "same-sex" debate will be decided by fallible men and women. I am convinced that no matter the decision God will not fall out of his throne wringing his hands and wonder what to do. He has dealt with selfish societies many times before. When and if the debate is based on feelings and the desires of the hearts of many there will be confusion and chaos. When and if the debate is based on the desires of God to establish hope, peace, and emotional health the Bible will be consulted, not just about homosexuality, but about all the principles of marriage and wholesome sexuality.
- The family and the sacredness of marriage breaks down when adults think and act selfishly (PERIOD).
- Marriage vows will be kept and families will grow stronger when adults view the family relationship the way God designed it to be viewed.
- Christians will have a greater influence in the Gay/Lesbian communities when we treat them the way God has taught us to treat anyone that disagrees with us.
I can imagine God feels no better nor worse toward those that are seeking same-sex-marriage than He does toward those that have taken their marriage vows lightly.
Why must we focus on what God hates? I think we would be much happier if we focused on what God loves! I wonder if it's just easier to focus on what God hates when we aren't so good about being/doing what God loves.
My favorite video perspective on How Christians should treat homosexuals by Tim Keller.