1/6 Shadows of the Cross #1 1&2 Corinthians: an introduction and Prayer Concert for Taiwan
"Shadows of the Cross" - The Apostle Paul tended to measure himself, his ministry and every church by the standard of "The Cross." A cross to us is an "Old Old Story" dearly loved by many, but very common in our culture. Not so in the first century. The cross in the first century was foolish or offensive. A new concept revealed in much of Paul's writing was the cross's picture of resolve and the art of saying "No" to self, "Yes" to Jesus, and "Here's how to do this dying-to-self thing," to everyone he met. The Church at Corinth has been noted as being the most "worldly" of the 1st century Churches. Not good at saying "No" and "Yes." Kind of like Christianizing their lives rather than being transformed by the gospel. This sermon series will spotlight indicators that the world is too involved in the church and how the cross should contrast and cleanse us and the church. The Cross must cast it's shadow over every area of our lives. Read 1 & 2 Corinthians in light of the question: What does it look like when the world works it's way into the church?
The Hill of Crosses in Lithuania a video description
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Next Week: Youth Sunday - Youth Praise band and Evan Todd preaching