11/25 “Jesus Changed Their Story #4 – Peter’s Story”
Title: Peter's Story
Texts: Mt. 16:13-27; Lk. 5:6-11; 22:31-35; Mt. 26:39-41; 69-75; Jn. 21:3-19; Gal. 2:11-14; 1 Pet. 5:6-11; 2 Pet. 1:3-12;
In a Nutshell: In a culture driven with process, defined by accomplishment, outlined by lists of things to do Christianity easily becomes a ritual we experience, a faith we talk about, or a trophy to display. Peter’s story demonstrates we should constantly find ourselves on our knees, flat on our backs looking up, and swimming (or walking on) deep waters to be with Jesus? Jesus’ change in Peter was that before he asked Jesus to leave, after he always worked to get closer.
Ice Breaker: Think about your most recent significant vacation and compare it to your Christian journey to maturity. Are you in the researching a potential destination stage? Just now packing with wonder? En-route with anticipation? Enjoying the sights and sounds of Christian holiness, ministry and purpose? Printing off the pictures to share with others? Unpacking with a sense of refreshment while looking forward to what’s next (Heaven)?
- Mt. 16:13-27 – What did Peter say that got a “congratulations” from Jesus? What did he say that got Jesus talking to Satan?
- What was Peter’s first reaction when he got a glimpse of who Jesus was? Lk. 5:6-11
- Is it fair to say Peter got three warnings that he wasn’t as spiritual as he thought? Lk. 22:31-34; Mt. 26:39-41; 69-75
- What was Peter’s reaction once he figured out it was Jesus? Jn. 21:3-19
- Once Peter had received the Holy Spirit did he ever become impulsive and overcome by the peer pressure around him? Gal. 2:11-14
- How does understanding who Peter was affect these words? 1 Pet. 5:6-11; 2 Pet. 1:3-12
- . Have you ever felt spiritually on top of things and soon thereafter defeated? What do days like that teach us?
- What are the most important truths we need to understand from these passages about Peter?
- What are the most important things we should do in light of these passages about and by Peter?
- As a CARE group draft a list of issues about which Parents can and should pray for their children.
- In light of how Jesus prayed for Peter - how might your group begin a prayer revival in this church?
Some Resources:
- Caesarea Philippi Banias Temples
- Spark Notes for Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyun -
- A worksheet Bible study on Eternal Security by Mark Moore
- A prayer ministry in the church by Paul Covert -
- A Parent’s Prayer
Title: The Bleeding Woman's Story -
Text: Matthew 9:20-22; (Mark 5:24-34)
Questions: What details about the woman’s sickness does Mark give but Matthew does not include?
Parents with your children: Talk with your kids this week about how a sickness can push someone away from God, and how it could pull them closer to Jesus. Do they know anyone in your family or at school that has a chronicle illness? How might that illness affect their faith? Discuss how they might pray for and encourage them.