11/11 "Jesus Changed Their Story #2 - The 'Crazy Man's' Story" Mt. 8 (Mk. 5:1-20 & Lk 8:26-39)
Texts: Mt. 8 (Mk. 5:1-20 & Lk. 8:26-39)
In a Nutshell: Sometimes our past is so disturbing we not only want to be redeemed from it, we don’t want to have anything to do with it. So once Jesus changed the demoniac’s story He wouldn’t just relinquish control of the Author’s pen. So who do you want writing your next few chapters – you or Jesus?
Ice Breaker: Describe a time when you were determined to do something you thought was good, but it became obvious that God had a different plan. How did He convince you?
- Read all of Matthew chapter 8. If verses 18-22 describes the main point then what do the surrounding stories say about that point?
- Now read Mark 5:18-20. Why would Jesus not let the man from Gadara/Gergesa come with him? What was he to do?
- Does it seem strange that Jesus wouldn’t let one man go home (Mt. 8:21), and the other he wouldn’t let him go anywhere but home (Mk. 5:18-20)?
- How does the statement of the Centurion Mt. 8:8-13 enter into this discussion?
- How are the crazy men (the crazy man) described? Mt. 8:28-29; Mk. 5:2-5
- Why do you think the people asked Jesus to leave the region?
- Do the three accounts of this story prove the Bible is contradictory of itself?
8. Have you ever seen, known, been around individuals that were so strange you didn’t want any of your family to be around them?
9. Is it difficult to distinguish between mentally ill and demon oppressed individuals? How is it possible to do this? (Check this out)
10. Have you ever seen people react poorly to even a good result of Jesus’ ministry? What do you think causes that?
11. Have you seen God withhold a ministry from you, and then point you toward another?
12. How might the church best address those in our population that some call “Crazy?”
13.Have you seen the movie “A Man Called Norman”? What was the point?
Some Resources:
- On line Harmony of the Gospels
- A narrative/explanation of the story
- The Son of God, Our King, Releases Satan’s Captives – A blog
- Spiritual Warfare - by Karl Payne
Title: “The Story of the Helpless…”
Text: Mt. 9:35-38
Questions: When Jesus saw crowds of people he noticed how “helpless and harassed” they were. Through what kind of eyes must we look to see the masses this way? Remember many people look at others as annoying and draining. Matt. 9:35-38
Parents with your children: Go to - This list of Scriptures describing how God views and what He expects us to do about the poor. Discuss with your children how God views the helpless and harassed? What do they look like at school, on the news, in your neighborhood. Check out “The Big Book of Service Projects”