9/30 Living FREE “In My Prison –Rules are Useless”





Text:   Col. 2:6-23Titus 2:11-12; Gal. 5:13-25

In a Nutshell: Regulations according to human precepts and teachings have an appearance of wisdom in promoting a self-made religion, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh. Elsewhere Paul said, "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age." Titus 2:11-12 

Ice Breaker:  Can you recall a time you felt deceived, trapped and maybe "disqualified" for something that you had greatly anticipated, only to find all your efforts were useless?



  1.  How is Jesus described in Col 2:9,10
  2. What all can we know about the "elemental spirits of the world" according to Col. 2:20-23?
  3. What three things did Paul tell the Colossians to not allow to happen to them?  Col. 2:8,16,18
  4. What is the "circumcision not done with human hands" and when does it seem to take place? Col. 2:11-15; Rom. 6:4
  5. What does Paul say is "the substance," and what are only "shadows" of that substance?
  6. What is the source of the problem for the one that teaches things that can "disqualify" someone spiritually? Col. 2:18-19 
  7. In Col 2:22,23 Paul tells us what  has "no value in "stopping the indulgence of the flesh,"  What then does help stop this indulgence? Titus 2:11,12 


  1.   Have you ever noticed a time/situation when more rules seemed to make a person misbehave more?
  2.  What was the problem? Did you find a solution? If so, what was it?
  3.  Which do you find easier, obeying a list of rules or "expressing your faith through love?" (Gal. 5:6
  4.  Which do you find simpler and more effective, obeying a list of rules, or "expressing your faith in Jesus through love?" (Gal. 5:6)


  1.  How should a church balance the need for promoting the "faith expressed through love" and establishing "rules" to be followed?
  2.  How would you react to a church program that emphasized teaching parents how to "disciple" their children through a faith journey?  Would you attend such classes?  Would you help teach such a class? Would you mentor another family? Would you seek to be mentored?
 Some Resources:

A Bible study on the word "flesh" - controlling our appetites.

Churches and Politics - what's legal?

Doug's Core Values on Preaching Core Values of My Preaching 2


Title:  "In My Prison – Some Things Must Die!”

Text:  Colossians 3:1-7

Questions: Which is more important; our "dying with Christ" or our "raising to walk" with him in new life?  

Parents with your children:  Have you and your children talked about spiritual growth as if it's a journey? If they have not been baptized, have you talked about it? (Check this out: pinterest.com/pin/247768416969712634)   "Dying with Christ and being Raised to new life" is a tough concept for kids (anyone under 90 years of age) to grasp.  Experiment with some ways to communicate this with your kids this week. (Go here for some more ideas: teachingwhatisgood.com/post-from-the-past-friday-mortifying-the-flesh/)
