7/22 Ephesians: “Refocusing the Light on the Family”
In a Nutshell: “Paul describes in three ways how we should walk in this text: “in love-imitating God,” “as children of light,” and as “wise, not unwise” children. Helping our family to be discerning of good and evil, of fruit of light, rather than darkness is difficult but essential. Ice Breaker: Discuss with a loved one a time when you felt lost, in darkness, scared, or in danger. How did you find safety? Did you have a flashlight?
Texts: Ephesians 5:1-21
1. Be _imitators_ of God
2. Immorality, impurity, covetousness, _must_ not be _named_ among you.
3. Let there be no _filthiness_ nor _foolish_ _talk_ nor _crude_ _ joking_… But instead let there be_thanksgiving_.
4. Let no one _deceive_ you with _empty_ words.
5. At one time you were _darkness_, but now you are _light_ in the Lord.
6. When anything is _exposed_ by the light it becomes _visible_.
“Look carefully then how you walk…”
“Do not be foolish, understand…”
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