8/21 – (B.F.S.G.) "Stop by the Cross and Leave the Tomb" Luke 23 – 24:12
Text: Luke 23 – 24:12 ICE-BREAKER
1. Have you seen the movie the Passion of Christ? What was your impression?
2. What are some things college students and their parents must understand before going (sending the kids) to college?
1. What were the accusations made against Jesus?
2. What did Herod and Pilate think about Jesus’ guilt/innocence?
3. Take a look at the people that crossed Jesus’ path during his trial, on his way to the cross and at the tomb. It’s a lot of diverse people, list them.
- The whole council – Chief priests and Teachers of the Law
- Pilate
- Herod
- Scribes
- Herod’s soldiers
- Barabbas
- Simon of Cyrene (Be sure to check out the other names of historical Christians on this page)
- Great multitude
- Women
- The soldiers
- Two Criminals
- People standing by
- Rulers
- Mocking thief,
- Repentant thief
- Centurion
- Women from Galilee
- Joseph, of Arimathea
4. What do you see in this text that each one of these individuals and groups “bring to” (attitudes, assumptions, fears, etc.) their meeting with Jesus?
5. What do they “take away” (convictions, assumptions, lies, responses, etc.) from their meeting with Him?
6. With which one of the above people that you have listed can you most relate?
7. Which ones appear to have left empty?
8. Which ones appear to have left with a growing faith?
9. Do you think any of them left with a full faith that had no more room to grow?
10. What are some of the different views that other religions have of Jesus? A Chart of Religious Views of Jesus -
Bible Evidences - (another summary of other religious views of Jesus)
11. Is it possible that a young person's well fortified faith can fall apart from a College class or semester? Check out this perspective.
12. If “stopping by the cross” means dealing with sin, and “leaving the tomb” means embrace your new life with Christ and getting busy, then how has T.L.C.C., this Bible Fellowship, a past CARE group helped you to do those three things?
13. Which Scripture in your opinion summarizes the principle of question 10?