Bible Fellowship Study Guide (BFSG) “Dealing with Temptation” Luke 4 (Mt. 4)
THIS SERMON IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SUMMER SERIES - Jesus' message is this: “You must believe all that I say about myself and trust me that I have answers to life’s questions. Trust me enough to act upon what I say! I will affect the way you think and live as well as where you will end up in this life and the hereafter.” Satan is real but wants to operate “beneath your radar,” subtle, but profoundly effective. Jesus wants you to be aware of Satan’s schemes and committed to the fight with weapons that are not of this world. Bottom line their is a battle and Satan is bent on destroying you and God is bent on rescuing you. To begin this spiritual journey called "salvation" you need to step out in faith AND obedience. That is the only reasonable response if you trust Jesus and believe what he says. You need to die to yourself, that is what the cross is about. And you must be born again – that is what the empty tomb is about. Along life’s road you will have times of doubt – remind yourself constantly of Jesus’ words and seek often to be in his presence. Every chance you get, run to tell others of the story of his amazing Grace. Every time you rehearse that story to someone else you will learn more about it and will become more and captivated by His Grace. That is how one neighbor leads another neighbor to Christ! THIS SERMON IN A NUTSHELL - Jesus' temptation as recorded in Luke 4:1-15 is a case study of how Satan tempts us, how Jesus recognized and dealt with those temptations and how we should deal with temptation.
When you first became a Christian, did life get easier, or more difficult?
- Are Luke 4:1,2 and Matthew 6:13 contradictory?
- What are the three major themes of Satan’s temptations?
- How many times did Satan refer to the Bible in his attempts to “woo” Jesus to his line of thinking?
- How did Jesus answer Satan’s challenges?
- Good Scriptures to memorize to help us understand temptation and our opportunity to win the battle:Hebrews 4:15-16James 1:14-152 Corinthians 10:5
- What Scriptures do you rely on to help you deal with temptations? (Be sure to check out the topical index at the bottom of this page!)
- Does Satan tend to focus his temptations for you on one of these three categories?
- Personal comfort…
- False promises…
- Quick fix (an attempt to manipulate God)…
- Praying for people without an attempt to manipulate God to our will using his word.
1) God, you know what we think needs to happen and why? Give us your best we'll give you the praise!
2) God, you know everything. If you see our preferences aren't the best for THIS IND. and your will, then Give us your best, we'll give you the praise anyway!
3) God, if what we have asked for isn't your will then give THIS IND. the courage, wisdom and grace to hold on for the even better plan that you have for her... Give us your best, we'll give you the praise!
- Temptation is all about our desire to control things, Satan’s false promises to give us things, and our need to trust God rather than fear failure.
- How can meeting around the Lord’s Table each week help you deal with temptation?
- How can attending the Sunday Morning Bible Fellowships help?
- How can your commitment to a CARE group help?