A Vacation Reminder
I have been reading and listening to the Bible, the news and God (no not an audible voice). Spending time with Kristi and God on the beach has helped me recognize some thoughts that keep "drifting in with the surf." The well-springs of Scripture, Christian and non-Christian authors, as well as news media have revealed an emerging theme in my mind of being skeptical about people and distrusting secular authorities. It isn't healthy, let alone Christian to walk through life to the rhythm of skepticism and cynical humor. These thoughts took me to the Psalms, especially Psalm 5. It's easy for me to read this Psalm knowing the end of King David's life and minimize his anxieties. Obviously God would find a way to save David from his worries ("enemies"). But what about us... today? "David didn't have to deal with an insecure economy, a political atmosphere poisoned with greed, inconsistency and self indulgence, or a religious atmosphere of believers "dissing" each other." Or didn't he? I read Psalm 5 and sense the same anxieties in my heart that David describes. Here is my "Spiritual Reminder." We live in times of distrust and insecurity, but that does not give me the right to live without joy, peace of mind, nor confidence of heart.
My source of joy, peace, and confidence must always (and only) be found in God's grace through Jesus Christ my Savior. No matter what the President of the U.S. says, Tim Geithner recommends or Janet Napolitano does (or doesn't do). Have you heard about the microchip that can be ingested without it's carrier knowing about it?
What do you use this for? Sorry, I digress!
I must find my joy in my relationship with God and His ability to make this world work to His glory. This goes for my relationship with every other person and authority I submit to in this world as well. It is God that rights all wrongs, exposes all lies, and conquers every injustice. My joy, peace and confidence is in spite of this world, not rooted in it. Any lack of joy, peace or confidence must be addressed in our relationship with God. We can't blame other people or circumstances. It is our joy a midst frustrations that will give our faith a platform from which to speak convincingly about Jesus. "What's wrong with you?" they may ask, "Why aren't you miserable and angry like us?" I can respond, "Because I have read the end of THE BOOK, I know the Author and I understand the plot, as well as the nature of the main characters." Psalm 5 is my new favorite chapter in the Bible.
I am sensing new energies for the following "must do's!"
- Be a husband and dad that doesn't need to say much to be a good leader
- Support our CARE Group leadership teams as they make New Neighbors to our Church.
- Introduce new "Neighbors" to Jesus
- Plan the fall sermon series with an inventive Sermon team
- Give some Haitian brothers an opportunity to teach me what I should already know about preaching