TLCC CARE Sheet 3/6 When the King Forgets God 5 of 8

ICE BREAKER What is the best “mother-in-law” joke you have ever heard!

Sample: Q:  Why do they bury mothers-in-law 18 feet down, when everyone else is buried 6 feet down?  A:  Because, deep down, they really are very nice people.

Title: “When the King Forgets God”  (Bad King Jehoram)

Text: 2 Chr. 21:1-22:12;  2 Kings 8:16-27


  1. What was Jehoram’s first official act as King?  2 Chron. 21:1-4
  2. What influence does the author of Chronicles suggest as the reason Judah became as evil as Israel? 2 Chron. 21:5-6
  3. Who was Jehoram’s mother-in-law? 2 Chron. 21:6 &  1 Kings 16:31
  4. Why didn’t God destroy Jehoram King of Judah?  2 Chron. 21:7
  5. What was the gist of Elijah’s prophetic message to Jehoram? 2 Chron. 21:12-15
  6. What happened to Jehoram, his family, and the people’s respect for him?  2 Chron. 21:16-20
  7. Read 2 Kings 11:1-21.  What all did Jehoiada the priest do to help bring revival to the nation of Judah?


  1. Describe a person (no names… keep this anonymous and free from “gossip”) that in your estimation seemed to think they were “above the law”?
  2. What are some key characteristics of people that have a sense of entitlement (IDENTIFYING A PERSON WITH ENTITLEMENT SYNDROME) or have problems dealing with authority? IDENTIFYING A PERSON WITH AUTHORITY ISSUES
  3. How has your extended family’s convictions affected your family and your convictions, your children’s convictions?


  1. In light of lessons we can learn from Jehoram, Athaliah and Jehoiada; what might the church do to help bring revival to our nation?
  2. How would Christian America be different if we obeyed Eph. 5:8-14?


Title: “Woe to Israel ”

Text: Amos 2:4-8; chs. 7&8

  1. What cultural characteristics are indicative of a nation that is ignoring God’s word?
  2. How do you think the Israelites responded to Amos messages in chapter 1?
  3. What kind of a religious culture was predominate in Amos’ day? Amos 4:4-5
  4. Imagine sitting in church and having Amos come and preach these sermons.  What do you imagine would be talked about at most Sunday dinner tables?
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