TLCC CARE Sheet 3/6 When the King Forgets God 5 of 8
ICE BREAKER What is the best “mother-in-law” joke you have ever heard!
Sample: Q: Why do they bury mothers-in-law 18 feet down, when everyone else is buried 6 feet down? A: Because, deep down, they really are very nice people.
Title: “When the King Forgets God” (Bad King Jehoram)
Text: 2 Chr. 21:1-22:12; 2 Kings 8:16-27
- What was Jehoram’s first official act as King? 2 Chron. 21:1-4
- What influence does the author of Chronicles suggest as the reason Judah became as evil as Israel? 2 Chron. 21:5-6
- Who was Jehoram’s mother-in-law? 2 Chron. 21:6 & 1 Kings 16:31
- Why didn’t God destroy Jehoram King of Judah? 2 Chron. 21:7
- What was the gist of Elijah’s prophetic message to Jehoram? 2 Chron. 21:12-15
- What happened to Jehoram, his family, and the people’s respect for him? 2 Chron. 21:16-20
- Read 2 Kings 11:1-21. What all did Jehoiada the priest do to help bring revival to the nation of Judah?
- Describe a person (no names… keep this anonymous and free from “gossip”) that in your estimation seemed to think they were “above the law”?
- What are some key characteristics of people that have a sense of entitlement (IDENTIFYING A PERSON WITH ENTITLEMENT SYNDROME) or have problems dealing with authority? IDENTIFYING A PERSON WITH AUTHORITY ISSUES
- How has your extended family’s convictions affected your family and your convictions, your children’s convictions?
- In light of lessons we can learn from Jehoram, Athaliah and Jehoiada; what might the church do to help bring revival to our nation?
- How would Christian America be different if we obeyed Eph. 5:8-14?
Title: “Woe to Israel ”
Text: Amos 2:4-8; chs. 7&8
- What cultural characteristics are indicative of a nation that is ignoring God’s word?
- How do you think the Israelites responded to Amos messages in chapter 1?
- What kind of a religious culture was predominate in Amos’ day? Amos 4:4-5
- Imagine sitting in church and having Amos come and preach these sermons. What do you imagine would be talked about at most Sunday dinner tables?