TLCC CARE Sheet 2/20/11 "When a King Forgets God" series 3 of 8
ICE BREAKER Did you ever play on a sports team that started out with a great season and then about half way through fell apart? What happened and why do you think things fell apart? What could have been done differently?
Title: “The Eyes of the Lord…”( Good King Asa)
Text: 2 Chr. 14-16; 1 Kings 15:9-24
- Read 2 Chronicles 14,15 and underline or note all of the phrases that describe what King Asa did right.
- Now read 2 Chronicles 16 and underline or note all the phrases that describe what King Asa did wrong.
- Is it possible for “one’s heart to be fully committed to the Lord all his life” and yet find themselves making bad decisions based on fear and anger? 2 Chron. 15:17, 16:7, 16:10 & 16:12?
- What were all of the consequences imposed on Asa and the people of Judah because of King Asa’s bad decisions? 2 Chronicles 16:7-14
- What might we say is the “take away” lessons of this text? 2 Chron. 15:2; 16:9; Notice Job 34:21; Ps. 34:15; Pr. 5:21; 15:3; Jer. 16:17; 32:19; Zech. 4:10; He. 4:13; 1 Pe. 3:12
- How would you characterize the differences in the two biblical accounts of Asa’s reign? 2 Chron. 14-16 & 1 Kings 15:9-24
- Do you recall a time when a Christian leader, minister or friend came alongside you in challenging circumstances and encouraged you that you were doing the right thing? What was going on?
- Do you recall a time when one came alongside and said, “Your making some poor decisions here and rough times will come?” What was going on?
- What do you think is the difference between being committed to God, but not trusting in Him?
- Based upon the “take away lesson” of this lesson, what has God seen in your life this past week?
- Have you ever had a season of time when you were “pouting” before God? How did it end? Or has it?
- Who is someone in our church that you think needs an “at-a-boy” word of encouragement?
- How might a Christian leader most effectively come to you with a word of warning that you are making some poor decisions? Who would it be? How should they approach you? When? With what words?
- Why is it that the world at times appears to get the "criticism" thing better than the church?
Title: “Falling in Love with the Lost”
Text: Jonah
- What did Jonah do? Why?
- What did the people of Nineveh do? Why?
- Did Jonah love the lost?