The purpose of this website is to celebrate the desire to look deeper, go farther, reach out more and worship Him in word and deed. A weekly blog post called a "CARE Sheet" will be designed to support each Sunday's sermon.  It will contain a link to our church's Bible reading plan, a summary of the sermon's key point, texts and questions for further discussion.  There will also be a list of online resources.  Ministry resources will be outlined under the pages of Worship, Evangelism, Classes, Counseling, Equipping, Missions and Outreach.  On a personal note the "About" page will host some sideline links to hobbies, family, traveling and reading special interests. 

the author

Doug Delp, with Timber Lake Christian Church, formerly known as Union Avenue Christian Church in Moberly MO has been Sr. Minister there since 1993.  Doug completed his undergraduate studies at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, and finished his Master of Arts Degree in Christian Leadership with Kentucky Christian University in 2003.  He has been the preaching minister in three different churches since 1979, seven years in Southwest Missouri, Collins; and seven years in Weiner Arkansas before moving to Moberly.

the church

Timber Lake Christian Church is an independent known for having no creed but Christ, no book but the Bible, and no name but Christian. The opinions expressed on these pages are my personal opinions. The church where I am employed DOES NOT endorse any user-submitted material, content and/or links or assume any liability for any of my posts, opinions or actions.


A CARE Sheet is a weekly sermon resource page designed to help Connecting And Reflecting Experience small groups go deeper than a Sunday morning sermon can take someone.  The Online resources are designed to help the diligent to look deeper than just a surface search. 


I've always enjoyed a ride on a motorcycle.  I started out on a minibike, soon graduated to a Honda 150, Suzuki 250 and then retired motorcycling to be a dad.  Now that my girls are grown my mid-life crisis included my Honda 750.