5/3 Prepare Your Heart for Sunday Worship

TLCC Worship – Here are this week’s songs, and as always, they are on the Spotify playlist.

  • These Are the Names of God (Tommy Walker)
  • The Solid Rock (modern Hymn)
  • Always (Shane & Shane)
  • Be Thou My Vision (Ascend the Hill)
  • None But Jesus (Hillsong)
  • King of Glory (Chris Tomlin)

April 26- May 2 Bible Readings: 

May 3-9 Bible Readings: 

In a Nutshell:  “We live in a world that is driven by SELFishness. Making up our minds to be less selfish only makes things worse. Learning to trust God at the core of our being gives us room to think less about ourselves and more about others.  Satan very subtlety works to keep us fixated on ourselves.  Assuming we have because of us and for the purpose of us keeps us feeling entitled rather than grateful.  When we think and feel with the rhythm of gratitude and trust - we will find ourselves living with generosity.

Ice Breaker:  Describe a person conceptually (no name) that you are confident struggles with covetousness.  Describe a time you struggled with covetousness. (Which was easier to come up with?)

Title:  “God wants you Generous, Satan wants you Selfish”

Texts: Lk. 12:1-7; 13-21, 22-34Pr. 11:24; 13:22; 19:17; 28:27;

Stewardship Principles:

  •  Principle #5 – God wants us to have generous hands and a grateful heart. Satan suggests we get all we can and have a grudging heart.
  • Principle #23 – We are to love God and use money to glorify Him. Satan suggests we love money and use God to get it.

Online Resources:
