CARE Sheet 2/6/11, When a King Forgets God... 1 of 8


  • If someone was going to only tell about the BAD things you have done in your life – what would be the best thing they would have left out?
  • If someone was going to only tell about the GOOD things you have done in your life – what would a bad thing they would have left out?

Title: “Do We Deserve God’s Grace?”

Texts: 2 Kings 21:1-18 &  2 Chron 33:1-20


  1. Two Accounts of the King of Judah, Manasseh;  2 Kings 21:1-18 &  2 Chron 33:1-20 Two Accounts of Manasseh
  2. What does the 2 Kings text add to the story of Manasseh that the 2 Chronicles does not?
  3. What does the 2 Chronicles text add to the story of Manasseh that the 2 Kings text does not?
  4. 2 Chronicles 21:7 – Why didn’t God destroy the “House of David” when Jehoram King of Judah and done so much evil?
  5. 2 Chronicles 7:14 – When would God answer their prayers?
  6. 1 Corinthians 1:3-11 – In what ways might we say the nation of Judah and the church of Corinth were similar?
  7. What does the New Testament say a person seeking God's grace will do? (the Good News Bad News Brochure3-3-10)
  8. Are there any New Testament accounts of this happening?  Acts 2:38; 8:12-13; 8:36-39; 9:17-18; 10:47-48; 16:14-15; 16:32-33; 18:8


9. In what ways were the people of Israel similar to today’s American Christians?

10. How do you think America has fit into God’s “Big Picture?”

11. If you were asked, “How do you fit into God’s ‘Big Picture’?” What would you say?

12.  If your children were asked “How do you fit into God’s ‘Big Picture’?” What would they say?

Consider the following resources to help you with further study:


11.How would you say Timber Lake Christian Church fits into God’s “Big Picture?”

12.  Are you an active part of Timber Lake's part in that picture?


Title: “Falling in Love… with God Again.”

Text: Hosea

The prophet Hosea preached during the reigns of the following Kings.  Read Hoseah and these texts to get a complete picture of what things were like back then.

Judean Kings, Uzziah – 2 Ki 14 – 15 & 2 Chr. 26; Jotham, 2 Ki 15:5 & 2 Chr. 27:1-9;  Ahaz, 2 Ki. 15:38 & 2 Chr. 28:27;  Hezekiah, 2 Ki 16-20 & 2 Chr. 29-32

Israelite King, Jeroboam – 2 Ki 14:23-29

CARE Sheet, Leadershipdougdelp